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He laughed. ''No...I was wondering...can I get your number?''

She shook her head. ''I'm sorry, I can't.''


''I'm heading out now.'' Phoebe said, turning back to her best friend.

''Good luck.'' Anisa smiled.

Phoebe had modelled back home, but it was a small town, and opportunities weren't always around. Four days into living in London, and she had already got herself an audition and interview for a huge make-up brand. 

''Why don't you come? They'd probably interview you if you asked.'' 

She shook her head. ''I'm good, but thank you. I'll see you later.''

The blonde looked at her friend for a few moments, and then shrugged. She muttered a ''be back soon'' and then walked out of the apartment, shutting the door behind her. 

Anisa sat there for a while, not doing anything besides thinking. Truthfully, she really wanted to model. She knew that she would have an advantage because of Phoebe's modelling career, and she would most likely get casted, even if it was just small modelling jobs.

But she didn't think she deserved it.

There were more beautiful people out there. There were people out there that hadn't fucked up their life, and had dedicated it to becoming a model or an actress. There were people out there who had families to make proud.

Anisa wasn't one of those people.

The apartment suddenly felt very silent. The only thing she could hear was her own thoughts, which she never wanted to be alone with. She might've been clean and sober, but that voice was still there. It was faint, but Anisa could hear it whenever she was stressed or alone. She hated it.

One more line.

Phoebe doesn't understand the pain you're in.

You were more fun before. 

Anisa stood up quickly to grab the remote. She turned the TV on, selecting the music channel, and turned it up. A song blared through the speakers and, for a minute, the voice became quieter. She focused on the song and the lyrics, mouthing along to them, hoping to calm down.

But then a memory flickered to the front of her mind, and the voice came back. She didn't want to be alone with her thoughts, and Phoebe hadn't left long ago - she wouldn't be back for hours. The brunette girl didn't know London very well yet, and the thought of getting lost terrified her, but that was a better option than sitting inside thinking about everything that had been wrong in her life. 


Anisa had walked for about twenty minutes before realising she had no idea where she was. She didn't care though - she was listening to a podcast, and that combined with the walking helped to take her mind off the cravings. She turned the corner, and came to a row of shops. She continued up the street, turning again, and realised she was at the mall. 

She went inside, deciding to browse the stores. She didn't particularly need anything, but that didn't stop her from buying a lipgloss, two skirts and some cute decorations for the apartment. She was walking towards the next store, when her podcast stopped. She took the airpod case from her pocket - they were dead. With a sigh, she put them into the case and put that into her pocket. 


She turned in confusion - she didn't know anybody here except Phoebe, and that definitely wasn't her voice. She hardly even recognised the voice...nobody here knew who she was. 

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