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The group of friends arrived in LA, immediately making their way to the hotel.

''What am I meant to do when you all hang out with Kenny?'' Anisa whined, dragging her suitcase behind her.

Sharky laughed. ''You'll have to hide behind the wall.''

She put her middle finger up at him, and Justine laughed at her boyfriend before turning to Anisa. ''We'll hang with you.''


''Me and Justine can just say we're hanging out together, and you can hang with us.'' Phoebe suggested. 

Anisa smiled. ''Thanks.''

''When are you actually surprising Ken?'' Chunkz asked.

''At the ring!'' Niko said, looking at Anisa. ''He's not gonna see you until after the fight.''

''Dragging it out a bit, don't you think?'' AJ asked, rolling his eyes with a smile.

''Maybe, but I want his whole focus on the fight.'' Niko explained.

''Yeah, he trained so hard, I can't let him fuck it up by seeing me.'' Anisa said.

''I'm actually so excited to see you both reunited.'' Justine smiled.

''I'm excited for Kenny to stop moping about.'' Chunkz muttered.

Anisa laughed slightly at the joke, but she also felt sadness wash over her. It was her fault Kenny had been moping, and she felt awful. She hoped he would be happy to see her...she hoped everything would be okay.

''Oi, Niko!'' a voice yelled.

Anisa didn't even have time to react before she was being shoved roughly behind a wall. She turned angrily to Niko, but he didn't even look at her, instead just moving his finger to indicate no. 

''Kenny!'' Niko said. ''How are you feeling, brother?''

''Nervous, but I'm excited.'' Kenny replied. ''How was your guys flights?''

''It was okay.'' AJ replied. ''How was yours?''

''Bit shit on my own.'' Kenny shrugged. There was silence for just a moment, and then he cleared his throat. ''I kinda thought Anisa might've came.''

Anisa froze slightly, listening more intensely than she had before.

''Did you want her to come?'' Phoebe asked.

Silence for a moment and then ''It doesn't matter. I'm just glad you're all here.''

''Wouldn't miss it for the world, brother.'' Chunkz announced, and then sighed heavily. ''Where's your room? Show me.''

''Don't you want to go to your own room?'' Kenny asked in confusion.

Chunkz shook his head. ''Nope. Show me yours.''

''Okay...'' Kenny trailed off, and then looked at the others. ''I'll see you all in a bit?''

''Sure.'' Sharky nodded. ''See you later, Ken.''

There was a brief pause, and then Niko looked at Anisa. She looked at him - and the two of them burst into laughter. Niko moved towards her, putting his hand around her arm as he pulled her away from the wall.

''I'm so sorry.'' he laughed.

''I didn't have a fucking clue what was going on!'' she laughed.

''All I saw was Anisa fall into the wall.'' Sharky said with a smile.

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