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''Nisa, you need to wake up.'' 

Anisa groaned at the sound of Cleo's voice, turning over and pulling the blanket over her head. It only stayed that way for a few moments before the blanket was pulled away from her, and she groaned again. 

''Wake up, Nisa.''

''Leave me alone, Cle.'' 

''You have to get up.'' 

''Why? I have nothing to do.'' Anisa replied, finally turning to face her friend.

Cleo rolled her eyes. ''And whose fault is that?''

Anisa scowled, sitting up and beginning to roll a cigarette. 

She had been staying on Cleo's couch for the past two weeks, and everyday seemed to be the same. She woke up to her friend yelling at her, and then she'd smoke a cigarette. Cleo would go out for most of the day, leaving Anisa on her own with her thoughts. She'd think about Kenny and Phoebe and the rest of the group until her stomach hurt and tears rolled down her face, and then she'd move onto stronger substances. She'd turn the music up on the loudest setting, get drunk or high, and then crash onto the couch. Cleo would wake her up around 8pm to eat dinner, and then they'd talk until around 1am when Cleo would go to bed, leaving Anisa to cry, smoke and eventually sleep.

It wasn't very exciting.

''I have to go, but i'll see you later.'' Cleo said, beginning to walk towards the door.

''Wait!'' Anisa called, turning to the door.


''Can I...can i come with you?''

Cleo paused. ''You realise i'm-''

''I know, but I'm so bored here, Cle. Please let me come.''

She hesitated, and then sighed. ''Fine. Hurry up and get ready.''

Anisa smiled, pulling herself off the sofa and walking to her suitcase. She didn't have many of her clothes - she had only gone back to Phoebe's apartment one time. The two girls hadn't even spoke - Anisa just went to her room, packed her favourite clothes and left.

She had wanted to talk to Phoebe, to try and reason with her, but she didn't even come out of her bedroom, and Anisa knew better than to try and get her to come out. She had thought about speaking through the door, but she also knew it wouldn't change anything. 

Instead, she just got her things and slammed the front door behind her.

Anisa got ready, and then her and Cleo left the apartment. 

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liked by yungfilly, niko and 12, 395 others

Nisaaa my saviour 4ever🫶


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