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Maybe she didn't have his number right now, but she was going to get it.

She'd ask him after dinner.


Anisa and Phoebe went back to their apartment to get ready, promising to meet the group outside of Wagamama at 7pm. 

''What did you think of the group?'' Anisa asked as Phoebe let them into the house.

''I like them. They seem cool.'' the blonde replied, looking at her friend. ''I'm glad you ran into them again.''

''Me too.'' Anisa smiled, and then frowned slightly. ''Although...I think I did make a mistake with Kenny.''

''I'm glad you can see that. What are you going to do about it?''

''I was thinking of asking him for his number after dinner?''

Phoebe nodded. ''Good idea.''

''Do you think it'll make it awkward?''

''No. I think Kenny will be happy about it.''

Anisa smiled. ''Okay.'' 

''Just hurry up and get ready.'' Phoebe said, shoving her friend gently, before going to her own room to change.

Anisa went to her room and opened her closet. She sorted through all of her clothes...none of them looked good enough. She stood in her underwear, and her hand found its way to the inside of her arm. She stroked it gently, trailing the scars that it held. 

She hardly noticed what she was doing until she looked down, pulling her hand away. She had the urge to pick at the scars, but she wouldn't do it. They had tried to heal over and over, and it was only recently Anisa was letting them. Before, she hadn't bothered.

But she was determined to stay clean this time, and that meant letting the scars heal and fade. That meant listening to Phoebe's advice. That meant doing what she needed, and getting what she wanted.

And she wanted Kenny's number. 


''What's up with you, bro?'' Chunkz asked, looking to Kenny as soon as the girls had left. 

''What are you all on my case for?'' Kenny asked, putting his hands up in surrender. 

''You been so quiet since Nisa.'' 

''Did you not like her?'' Sharky pressed.

Kenny looked at Sharky. ''Do you?'' 

''Careful what you say, amour.'' Justine joked, a smile appearing on her face.

Sharky laughed. ''I liked her. She got good vibes.'' 

''Your turn to answer, Ken.'' AJ said.

Kenny snuck a look to Niko, who shrugged quickly. He didn't really know how to help - it was obvious his friend did feel awkward around the girl - but he didn't know that would happen. It was either tell his friends the truth, that Kenny got rejected, or tell a lie that his friends wouldn't believe. 

Kenny sighed. ''I asked Anisa for her number, and she said no.''

The group was silent for a second, and then all three guys burst into laughter. Justine hit her boyfriend's leg in shock, but she couldn't stop a small smile from appearing on her face. Niko began laughing at his friends reaction, and finally Kenny laughed, shaking his head. 

''You got rejected on camera!'' AJ shrieked, grabbing Niko as he laughed.

''We didn't record it.'' Niko replied.

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