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Anisa trailed off slightly, allowing Kenny time to digest everything she was telling him. There were so many factors to Anisa's life that it didn't even seem real. She tried to stay calm, but the silence was eating her.

''Why aren't you and Cleo friends anymore?'' Kenny finally asked.

Anisa sighed uncomfortably. ''That point of my was just full of hurt. My mom died, and I was just using drugs to cover the pain. Once I got clean, I didn't want anything to do with it. I wanted to forget it ever happened.''

''Makes sense. How did you meet Phoebe?''

''I actually don't know. The early days of our friendship are a huge blur but, without her, I don't think I would still be here.''

''I'm glad you're here. I couldn't...'' he paused nervously. ''I wouldn't want to imagine life without you, Anisa.''

''Neither would I.''

''And you're completely done with all of that?''

''It used to be my way of coping. It was my poison, but now...'' she trailed off as she looked at him. He awoke something inside of her that she didn't even know existed. ''...I think I've found another poison.''

Kenny blushed for the first time in forever. Anisa August was something else. Incredibly gorgeous and funny, could always keep a conversation alive and knew exactly what to say. Kenny had never met anybody else like her.

He pulled her closer to him. ''You really have a way with words, you know?''

''Kenny?'' she whispered, their lips only inches from one another's.


''I took drugs all my life but I've never felt a high like this.''

He didn't hesitate before pulling Anisa to him, pulling her into the kiss. She responded immediately, putting her arms around Kenny's neck as he kissed her. 

In that moment, everything felt perfect.

In that moment, everything felt perfect

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liked by HarryPinero, and 3,596 others

Nisaaa i want to hold your hand forever❤️


KingKennyTV: 🤝❤️

Nisaaa: @KingKennyTv 🫶🫶

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''AJ!'' Anisa yelled, rushing into the apartment before Niko had barely unlocked the door.

''Wait for me you prick.'' Niko laughed. ''I want to see AJ's scared face.'

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