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''Anisa, you stupid bitch!'' Cleo yelled, slamming the front door behind her.

Anisa opened her eyes, blinking rapidly in the suddenly brightness. She put her hand to her forehead, looking around slightly. She felt awful, her whole body ached and she wanted to just curl up and die.

Unfortunately, Cleo wasn't about to let that happen.

''Wake up!'' she yelled.

''If you shout at me one more time, I'm going to hit you.'' Anisa mumbled, covering her eyes with her arm.

''What are you doing?''  


''No, you're on a comedown.''

''Basically the same thing.'' Anisa mumbled. 

''You told me you were quitting!'' Cleo said.

''And you said you'd help me!''

''I'm trying, but you're impossible! You seem to find drugs everywhere!''

''I wouldn't if you threw them out.'' 

''It's my job, Anisa, I can't throw them out. I'd lose thousands.''

''I guess I can't quit then.'' she replied, curling back up on the bed.

''You have to! You want to be back with Kenny, and you've only got a week now.''

''I'm relapsing! Leave me alone, this is normal!''

''No, you're not relapsing, because you haven't even tried!'' Cleo argued. ''I'm gonna ring Phoebe.''

Anisa sat up. ''What? No.''

''You have to move back in with her! She helped you last time...maybe she can help you again now.''

''No, please.'' Anisa said, climbing out of the bed. She put her hand on Cleo's arm. ''I'll try harder.''

''I mean it, Nisa, you have one more chance.''

''Why are you being so bossy?'' Anisa muttered.

Cleo sighed. ''I want you to be happy...and I know you are with Kenny.'' 

She hesitated, and then nodded lightly. ''fine.'' 

'''ll try harder?'' 

''Yes. i promise.''

Cleo looked at her nervously for a second, and then cleared her throat slightly. ''Have you...have you told Kenny you're plan?'' 

Anisa shook her head. ''No, I...I don't want to let him down.''

''You won't.''

''What if I can't quit, Cleo? I already let him down before, I can't do it again.''

Cleo laughed slightly, and moved to sit next to her friend. They both just sat there for a few minutes, not talking. Anisa felt so grateful to have Cleo as her friend - even whilst she was on drugs, she never judged and was always there to help. Even when Anisa hadn't been trying, Cleo had been.

''Thanks for sticking around with me, Cle Cle.'' Anisa said softly.

She tensed slightly at the nickname, but then smiled. ''I would never leave you, Nis.''

''I'm sorry I left you.'' 

''It's okay.''

''No, I...'' Anisa sighed. ''It wasn't do with you.''

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