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Anisa. Anisa. Anisa.

The only person on Kenny's mind. 

He felt like he could spend every minute with her, and that still wouldn't be enough. He wanted to be around her constantly. He wanted to talk to her constantly. He wanted to sit and laugh with her constantly.

He just wanted her.

Kenny climbed into bed, sighing heavily as he did. He was thinking about the date, when his thoughts turned to the beginning. Turned to when Cleo appeared. He had heard what she had said, but he didn't want to make a big deal out of things. Of course he wanted to ask Anisa what had happened to her, but he didn't want to push her. 

Besides, he could just be overthinking. Cleo had said she was a drug user...she never said Anisa was.

But she hinted it.

And Kenny had saw the fear in Anisa's eyes when she mentioned it. He saw the worry when she turned quickly to see his reaction. He saw the anger when Cleo left, leaving a space of awkwardness between the couple.

Anisa August definitely had a bad past.

Kenny wanted to know about it. He wanted the brunette girl to trust him, and tell him everything she held inside. He knew that, whatever she said, it wouldn't turn him away. He would continue to want her. 

 He was still deep in thought when his phone buzzed. He picked it up absent-mindedly, and groaned when he saw the text from his personal trainer.

Training tomorrow 9am. Make sure you turn up. See you then, man.

But he was supposed to be meeting Anisa tomorrow.

He hesitated for a moment, but he knew he couldn't avoid training. He had another fight coming up, and he was determined to win this one. He needed to train whenever he could. Kenny quickly typed out a reply, letting his personal trainer know he would be there, and then clicked onto Anisa's contact.

 Kenny quickly typed out a reply, letting his personal trainer know he would be there, and then clicked onto Anisa's contact

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Hi beautiful

hey x

 i was jus thinking about you

thinking of seeing u tomorrow


the full stop :0

what's happened?

I can't do tomorrow anymore

I have training

oh okay

I'm sorry

don't worry x

poison, k.kenny (✔️)Where stories live. Discover now