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Anisa got back to her apartment, which was deathly silent and dark. That meant Phoebe wasn't back yet. The brunette girl threw her bag and jacket onto the couch, and went to her room. She knew she loved the beta squad and Justine, but hanging with them for an entire day just showed her how much. Even without Kenny and Phoebe, her stomach hurt from laughing and her mouth from smiling. 

She couldn't wait until the next time they all hung out.

She was changing into pajamas when her phone began to ring. She picked it up, expecting it to be Phoebe, but was surprised to see Kenny's name. She quickly finished changing, and then clicked accept.

She couldn't stop a smile appearing on her face as Kenny's face flashed up, which already had a smile on.

'Hi, beautiful.'

'Hey, how was training?'

'It was good. How was your day?'

She laughed. 'I can't believe you guys drive around squashed like that!'

'It's fun, right?' he laughed.

'Yeah until AJ digs his elbow into your ribs.'

He laughed again. 'Sounds like you had a great time.'

'Mm.' she replied, looking at him through the camera. 'Would've been better if you were there.'

'Well, obviously.'

'Your ego is huge, Ken.'

He smiled. 'I missed you today.'

'I missed you to. Can I see you tomorrow?'

'You don't get a choice, are seeing me tomorrow.'

'I like this toxic side of you.' 

'Only for you.' he joked.

Anisa opened her mouth to reply when she heard the front door slam, and Phoebe singing softly. 

'Phoebe just got back and I want to know how the shoot was, but I'll text you tomorrow.'


'Bye, Ken.'

'Bye beautiful.'

Anisa ended the call, and went to the living room. Phoebe noticed her, and rolled her eyes.

''Why have you just put your stuff on the couch? Move it!''

Anisa laughed. ''How was the shoot?''

''It was good. The picture I did I look?''



''I'm being serious, Phoebe. You looked so hot.''

The blonde girl blushed slightly. ''Thanks. How was your day?''

''Did you know the guys and Ju travel in one car?''

''But there's six of them?''

''They just squash in.''

Phoebe laughed. ''I bet that was fun.''

''Of course.'' 

''I'm meeting Justine tomorrow, we're going for lunch, do you want to come?''


''Seeing Kenny? Bitch, is that all you do?''

Anisa laughed. It was true. Since meeting Kenny, she hadn't really spent any time away from him. Whether they were alone, or hanging out with the group, he was always there. Even when he wasn't physically in person, he was texting or facetiming the brunette. 

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