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*drug addiction can take at least three months to get over. for the sake of the story, and the fact anisa hasn't been taking them long, she will be almost over them within the week. i hope this is cool.


five days later:

''Nis.'' Cleo whispered, shaking her arm slightly.

Anisa made a slight sound, indicating that she was listening without opening her eyes.

''Your phone is ringing.''

''Who is it?'' she whispered.

''Niko.'' Cleo replied.

''Can you answer for me? Tell him I'm asleep.'' 

Cleo hesitated for a second, but then clicked accept and put the phone onto speaker.

'Finally! I've been ringing you for ages!' Niko said.

'It's Cleo...Nisa is asleep.'

'Oh right. Can you wake her up?'

'I tried.'

'Could I come round yours?'



'That's fine, i'll send my address.'

'Cool. See you in a bit, Cleo.'

'See you soon.'

The phone call ended, and Cleo put Anisa's phone back onto the ground next to her. ''Did you hear that?''

Anisa nodded. ''Yep.''

''Are you going to get up?''


Cleo rolled her eyes with a smile. ''Nisa-''

''Five minutes and I will.'' she promised, and then wrapped herself in the blanket.

''Fine. Niko will be here soon, so don't drag it out too much.'' 

Anisa nodded slightly, and then sighed happily. She was excited to see Niko - it had been almost a full week -and she couldn't wait to tell him that she was almost clean. She had slip ups, but she had barely touched the drugs, and hadn't drank at all.

It had been really hard - harder than Cleo had realised. Staying awake with her, stopping her from crying, keeping her away from anything sharp when it got really bad. It felt like babysitting, except the person being babysat never stopped. 

A few times, she had given in, giving Anisa what she wanted. 

But most of the time, she stayed strong.

And that meant Anisa was strong.


Niko pulled open the front door, revealing Kenny to be standing there. 

''Can I come in?'' Kenny asked.

''Yeah.'' Niko replied, moving to the side.

AJ was sitting on the couch, and Kenny sat next to him. Niko sat opposite the two boys, and the three of them sat in silence for a few moments, until AJ looked at Kenny.

''What are you doing here?'' AJ asked.

''Anisa messaged me.''

''What did she say?'' Niko said immediately. If she had ruined the surprise, he was going to kick her the next time he saw her.

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