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''Has Anisa noticed you?'' Niko asked.

''I don't think so.'' Phoebe replied.

''Do you think we should say hi?'' Justine suggested.

Phoebe hesitated. ''Well-''

''No.'' Kenny said firmly. 

The group looked at him in surprise. ''What?''

''I don't want to talk to her.'' Kenny replied.

Phoebe looked at him for a few seconds, and then nodded. ''Neither do I.''

The rest of the group began to talk about something else, changing the subject, but Niko didn't get involved. He looked at the brunette girl sitting on the bench. She was sitting alone, not really looking at anything in particular. Niko knew he shouldn't, but he felt sorry for her, and he found himself standing up.

''Where are you going?'' AJ asked.

''I just want to say hi.'' Niko replied.

''Don't.'' Phoebe said.


''I think Pheebs knows best with this.'' Chunkz suggested.

''I know, but I just feel bad for her.'' Niko answered. ''I'm going to say anybody coming?'' 

Justine seemed to hesitate for a second, but shook her head. The rest of the group said no, and Niko sighed slightly before beginning to walk to her.


Anisa sat on the bench, her leg shaking anxiously as she waited for her friend. Cleo said she wasn't allowed to be involved in the dealing - the fact she was even taking drugs was more than enough. 

As she sat on the bench, she couldn't stop her leg from bouncing up and down. She scratched it, digging her nails in harder than anticipated, because all she could think about right now was that Cleo was carrying around the drugs that she so desperately wanted. For a second, she even thought about stealing them from Cleo, but she couldn't risk it. What if she kicked her out? What if the client beat her up? There was just too much to lose.

She sighed, trying to think about anything except the drugs, and that's why she suddenly began thinking about her ex-boyfriend.


Anytime his name popped into her head, her stomach dropped, and she felt on the verge of tears. It might've been her own fault, but that didn't stop her from missing him. She thought about him before she went to bed, and when she woke up in the morning. 

He was always on her mind.

She wanted to text him so badly, but he told her not to. 

Besides, what would she even say?

'Hi Kenny, I'm still on the drugs that I picked over you, but I just wanted to tell you i miss you.'

It didn't sound great.

She was deep in thought when she noticed somebody walking towards her. She looked up, expecting it to be Cleo, but her eyes widened when she realised who it was. 

Niko approached her, shooting her a small smile as he reached her. ''Hi.''

''Hey.'' she whispered. Her mouth suddenly felt incredibly dry.

''Is anybody sitting there?'' he asked, gesturing to the seat next to her.


''Can I-?''

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