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''Arm wrestle, Anisa?''


The girl looked at the people stood with her. Phoebe rolled her eyes fondly, whilst Niko looked at her expectantly, waiting for an answer. Finally she looked at Kenny, who gave her a smile. 

She felt her stomach do a flip.

That smile. Wow.

''How much are we putting on the line?'' she asked, looking to the two boys.

They looked at each other, and then back to Anisa. ''£10?''

She looked to her best friend for reassurance, who nodded. Phoebe knew Anisa would win - it didn't matter how much money was on the line, because it was about to be in her pocket.

''Fine.'' Anisa replied, making both of the boys grin in delight. ''Where should we do it?'' 

Kenny walked closer to George, the guy holding the camera, and held out his arm. George handed him a small grey table, and Kenny held it up. ''On this.''

Phoebe burst into laughter, and Anisa smirked. ''You always carry a table around with you?''

''This schmuck wasted £15 on it.'' Niko said, a hint of laughter in his voice. He looked at George, and shook his head. ''I can't believe you let him buy it.''

''I just hold the camera.'' George shrugged.

''Whatever. I'll make back £10 right now.'' Kenny said. He set the table up, and looked at Anisa. ''I hope you're ready to lose.''

''I am.'' she lied, walking towards him. She looked at George and Niko. ''Don't even try and sabotage me.''

Niko laughed. ''I would never do that.''

''Insert the clip when he sabotaged AJ and Gib in the bake-off video.'' Kenny smiled, and George nodded as he laughed.

Niko covered his mouth with his hands in shock. ''You're baiting me out? We were on the same team.''

Kenny shrugged, holding his hand out to Anisa. ''Ready?''

She took it, liking how it felt in her own hand. ''Ready.''

Niko and Phoebe stood either side of the table - looking like their friend's manager - and George counted down from 3. The two immediately began to try pushing the other down, and their friends cheered encouragement. 

''You got this, Ken!'' Niko yelled.

''Let's go, Nisa!'' Phoebe cried.

Kenny began to laugh. ''Shit! She's really strong!''

''Come on, Kenny!'' Niko shouted.

The pair continued to arm wrestle for a few moments until Anisa managed to push that extra bit harder, forcing Kenny's arm to drop. He looked at her in shock, his mouth open. His mouth was still open when a small smile began to take over, and he looked at Niko, who was covering his mouth with his hands again.

''Did that just happen?'' Kenny asked, rubbing his wrist.

Phoebe looked at Niko. ''You owe my girl £10.''

Niko turned his attention to his best friend. ''You idiot! How did you lose that?!''

''She's really strong!'' Kenny protested.

''£10, please.'' Anisa smiled sweetly.

''Double or nothing!'' Kenny cried.

Phoebe held a look of sympathy - these two guys were about to pay for their drinks with the £20 they were going to be given - whilst Niko looked at him in horror. Anisa looked at her best friend, trying not to laugh, and then shrugged.

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