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Kenny arrived in LA, leaving the airport and getting an Uber to the hotel. He checked in, ditching his bags on the floor and collapsed onto the bed with a huge sigh. Because of his fight, he had to fly to LA alone the day before his friends. Usually he didn't mind, but this particular time, he wanted at least one person to go with him. He just needed a distraction from his thoughts.

He got off the bed with a groan, walking to one of his bags on the ground. The hotel he was staying in was one of the best, and that meant there was a gym downstairs. He changed, and went to find out. 


Kenny spent a couple of hours in the gym - working out and shadow boxing. He felt prepared, but he needed to be the most prepared. This fight tomorrow meant everything to him - it was the most important thing in his life right now. He also knew that every important person in his life was coming to watch, and he wanted to make them all proud.

Well, almost every important person.

Anisa hadn't answered his text message, which was disappointing despite the fact he hadn't been expecting a reply. He felt his  heart hurt slightly when he thought about her - how was he still not over her? He wished she was still his girlfriend, and he wished that she was coming to watch the fight. He knew that, if she was there, he would've had extra motivation. He would've picked her over anyone.

Unfortunately, she didn't pick him.


''You ready, Nis?'' Niko asked as he threw the cushions back onto the couch. 

Anisa had slept on there last night, tossing and turning, a sick feeling becoming stronger and stronger every hour. She had barely slept by the time Niko was telling her to wake up and AJ was pushing a coffee in front of her. She couldn't stop thinking about Kenny. What if he was disappointed to see her? What if she put him off? There were just so many questions running around her head. 

She looked at Niko. ''Yeah.''

''Chunkz is going to be here any minute.'' AJ said, looking at the girl. ''You feeling okay?''

Anisa nodded. ''Yeah. Just nervous.''

''Don't be.'' Niko shrugged, like it was the easiest thing in the world to turn off the anxiety flooding through her at that moment.

''Shit advice.'' AJ muttered with a smile, and Anisa laughed. 

Niko opened his mouth to reply, but was cut off by somebody beeping their horn outside. The two boys and girl gathered their things, knowing it would be Chunkz, and then headed to the car. Niko got into the passenger seat, whilst AJ and Anisa climbed into the back.

''Alright, Nisa?'' Chunkz asked, turning to look at her.

''Yeah, thanks. You?''

He nodded. ''Of course. I'm glad you're back in the group...missed you gyal.''

 ''Missed you to.'' she said, the anxious feeling fading slightly. 

''Everyone's excited to see you.'' Chunkz said, putting the car into drive.

''Really?'' she asked in a small voice.

''Group didn't feel right without you.'' AJ replied, dapping her up. 

''Thanks, guys.'' 

''We're meeting everybody at the airport.'' Chunkz explained, turning left down the road. ''Apparently they've already got through some parts.''

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