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Anisa woke up early, and the thoughts from last night rushed back to her. She got out of bed, and decided to go for a run. She didn't know whether she was trying to run from her own thoughts and the past, or if she just wanted to sightsee and exercise, but it sounded good either way. 

It was only 6:00am by the time she was ready and leaving the apartment, closing the door quietly to not wake Phoebe. She put her air pods in, and began to run.

She didn't know the area well - meaning she didn't really know where she was going, but she was glad to be out of the apartment. She was glad to feel the cold air on her skin, and she was glad to even have enough energy to run.

She wouldn't have last year. 

Anisa continued running until she felt like she had no more breathe left, and then stopped on the corner. She bent slightly, breathing deeply, trying to fill her lungs with oxygen.


She looked up to see Sharky jogging towards her, and she smiled. ''Hey.'' 

''I thought it was you...what are you doing out so early?'' he asked.

''I could ask you the same question.''

''My gym is around here so I'm meeting Chunkz there.''

''Right...I just thought I'd go for a run.''

''Before your date with Kenny?'' Sharky blurted, and laughed at the girl's shocked face. ''He told us we had to get filming done quickly so he can pick you up.''

She blushed. ''I didn't know you were filming today.'' 

''Oh, for real? I just exposed the guy for nothing.'' 

''No, I'm glad you did, it's cute.'' she replied with a smile. ''I'd better go...I'm kinda lost again.''

''Your sense of direction is shocking.'' Sharky joked. ''See you around.''

Anisa watched him jog a few metres, and the called after him. ''Sharks?''

He stopped, turning to look at her. ''Yeah?''

''Tell Kenny he doesn't need to rush...I'll wait for him.'' 

Sharky smiled, giving her a nod, and then continued to jog away. Anisa began to run again, but this time, she had a smile on her face. Kenny was literally rushing the filming for his youtube channel with his best friends...for her. 

They hardly even knew each other, and yet he was willing to do that. 

For the first time since meeting Phoebe, Anisa felt wanted. 

And she was so happy that it was Kenny who wanted her.


''Why did you tell her?'' Kenny cried, holding his head in his hands.

''I didn't mean too! I thought she already knew!'' Sharky protested.

''I rang him after he already told Anisa a time.'' Niko explained.

''Can't you just pick her up later?'' Chunkz asked, shrugging.

AJ laughed. ''Chunkz is so over this conversation.''

''She probably thinks I'm some creep whose obsessed with her.'' Kenny sighed.

''You literally are some creep whose obsessed with her.'' Harry said bluntly, and the group erupted into laughter.

''Shut up! No I'm not!'' Kenny argued, but he was laughing.

''We've been here ten minutes, and the whole time, Anisa has been the only conversation.'' Harry explained, and then paused. ''Me, Filly and Darkest don't even know who she is.''

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