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6 months later:

''I've got to go now, but I'll meet you both at the party?'' Phoebe suggested, turning to face the two girls sitting on the couch.

Anisa nodded. ''Text me when you arrive.''

''See you later, Pheebs.'' Cleo smiled.

Phoebe gave them both a smile before turning away and shutting the door behind her. It had been an entire year since everything had happened, and a lot had changed. Phoebe had been scouted by a modelling agency, meaning she spent a lot less time at home and way more time in studios. 

Anisa moved back in with Phoebe...but she didn't move on her own. She convinced Cleo to quit dealing, and the the brunette moved in with the two girls. It was awkward at the beginning, but Phoebe soon realised she had misjudged Cleo, and Cleo realised Phoebe was actually really cool. 

Anisa was glad her two best friends were finally getting along, and she was happy to live with both of them even though she barely spent anytime at the house. She usually stayed at Kenny's - only going back to her apartment for clothes or when her boyfriend had training.

''What time are we leaving?'' Cleo asked.

''Whenever.'' Anisa shrugged. ''Like nine?'' 

''Okay. Are you meeting Kenny there?''

''Yeah.'' she smiled. She had wanted to go to the party with him, but apparently he had to get there early to speak to the boys. She had been disappointed they wouldn't be walking in together, but she was fine with it. She had Cleo. 

Anisa was actually so glad that Cleo got on with all of the boys. She especially got on with Filly, and the two of them had began hanging out whenever the others were busy. They weren't dating - they were just best friends, similar in almost every way. 

''I'm going to get ready...I'll see you in a bit.'' Cleo said, standing from the couch.

''See you.'' Anisa muttered, scrolling through her phone. She heard the bedroom door shut, but she didn't bother to move. She knew she had to get ready, but she would go in a minute. She just wanted a few more minutes on her phone...

Her phone began to ring, and she found herself smiling before even picking up. She accepted, and her boyfriend's face filled the screen. He smiled at her.

''Hey, baby.''

''Hi beautiful.'' he replied. ''What are you doing?''

''I'm going to get ready in a minute.''

''Get ready? You already look amazing.''

She rolled her eyes fondly. ''Whatever, Ken.''

He grinned. ''You still being at Chunkz' place for nine?''


''Okay. See you soon.''

''See you. Love you.''

''Love you too.''

The call ended and she stood up, practically dancing to her bedroom. She picked out her outfit, and got dressed before sitting at her vanity and getting her make-up ready. She began to do her eyebrows, and her mind wandered. She was so happy in her life...literally nothing could've made it better. She had the best boyfriend, the best group of friends and just the best vibe.

Everything was perfect. 



Cleo and Anisa got an uber to Chunkz' house where the music could already be heard as they climbed out. They walked through the garden, barely knocking on the door before it opened and Niko grinned at them both.

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