
2.6K 61 43

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TW: drug use & strong language.


Anisa walked into Cleo's apartment, her eyebrows raising automatically in shock. It was beautiful, clean and white with decorations everywhere. It was the complete opposite of what she had been expecting. Their last house had been dark and dirty, with somebody always crashed on the couch.

''Your place is so nice.'' Anisa said simply.

''Thanks. Sit down?'' Cleo said, moving a cushion for her friend.

Anisa took a seat on the couch as she spoke. '' do you like London so far?''

''It's okay.'' she shrugged.

''Did the guys not move here with you?'' she asked carefully.

Cleo tensed for a second, and then shook her head. ''No. I told them I wanted to move here to get clean, but that's not what they wanted.''

Anisa looked at her friend properly, her heart thumping slightly. She had never, ever felt sorry for Cleo until right now. If bad bitch energy was a person, it would be Cleo. It didn't matter that she did drugs, she carried herself with that confidence you wished you had. Anisa had confidence, but she knew people felt sorry for her when she told her backstory. They never did for Cleo.

But now, looking at her, Anisa felt very sorry. It was obvious that she was fucking lonely. She had a beautiful apartment, and a new life, but she was on her own. She didn't have a Phoebe, and she didn't have a Kenny...she didn't have anyone.

''How long were you clean for?'' Anisa asked. 

''Only a week.'' Cleo scoffed, rolling her eyes. ''I'm a dealer now, so it was just too hard to resist.''

''You're a dealer?'' she repeated in surprise. The brunette girl had always been offered the job of a dealer, but always refused. She liked taking drugs, but she didn't feel brave enough to give them out. She always said she'd feel guilty if something happened, and she didn't know what she would do if she was caught.

''Yeah...I needed money, and one of the guys set me up here.'' 


An awkward silence set over the two of them for a moment until

''Why didn't you message me, Nisa?''

She looked at the girl. ''What?''

''When you left me, why didn't you message me?''

Silence again. How was she even supposed to reply to that? There were a million reasons, but each one would hurt Cleo's feeling, and Anisa never wanted to do that. Through everything, she always cared for her.

''You just remind me of a bad time in my life.'' 

'' But I was there for you in that bad time-''

''I know.''

''-and you just left. You left me like I didn't mean anything to you.'' 

''It wasn't like that!'' Anisa struggled.

''I would've never done that to you, Nisa. Everything I did was for you.''

''I know, Cleo, but you don't understand.'' Anisa said, standing up from the couch. ''It was different with Phoebe...she didn't know that my mom had died, or that I was homeless, or the bad shit I did...she just knew I needed help with my addiction.''

''Yeah, because you hid them from her, because you knew she would judge you!'' Cleo exclaimed, standing to match her friend. ''I never judged you, Anisa. I never would.''

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