Chapter 23

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Once again, it was another morning at church. You got ready as usual and put your contact lenses in.

Your eye color more and more blatant that it almost shone through your contact lenses, hopefully it does not get worse.

On the tour you continued to read about your powers from time to time, but never really practiced, because you always met the others somewhere.

You walked straight down the big staircase where Mountain was, waiting for you with a huge smile on his face. "Good morning Air." "Morning Mounty." You took him in your arms and you went to the cafeteria so you wouldn't miss breakfast.

The others were already sitting and talking. Since there was hardly any room, you sat two tables behind Fire and the others. Great. Let's see how long it will take this time, until another spell comes from Fire.

Mountain and you were talking about something when it started. "There's half the wind behind me...I'm getting scared." "FIRE!" shouted Sunshine annoyed.

You had had enough. You got up and went to him. Mountain tried to grab you by the wrist and calm you down, but it was no use. "Fire...what is your problem towards me? What did I do to you that you still have to beat me up like this?"

You stood next to him, he looked at you ignorantly as he slowly stood up. "What do I have against you, you ask? You were the one who emptied a milkshake over my head in college...weren't you? Remember?"

Your breath caught in your throat. Behind the mask is the boy you spanked with a milkshake? You felt like you did before. In the cafeteria. The two of you were standing and all eyes were on you... you were overcome with panic and tears formed in your eyes. It was as if you were just standing in the university cafeteria.

Your breath quickened and you ran out of the cafeteria into some hallway. You sat crumpled up in the corner and let the panic wash over you.

Again the thing came into your head. When the director was there... and he touched you and... undressed you...

*in the cafeteria when Air ran out.*

Fire sat back down and laughed. "She really didn't know it was me..." "What happened bro?" laughed Swiss. "I was in college for a little while...and I was just eating and then Air hit me with a milkshake. She totally exposed me..." "No way...she didn't!" laughed Swiss again.

"I should go check on her." Sunshine stood up and was about to go look for you. "No.. let Fire go." intervened Cirrus that Fire turned to her. "Why me?" "Just go and apologize for.. I don't know.. just look after her, she didn't look well!" Cirrus snorted at Fire again and he reluctantly left.

He was searching the halls when he heard a whimper. He walked down the hall and found you crying in the corner. You didn't notice him, but were caught up in your own panic.

"No..please..don't touch me..." you said fearfully as you felt someone touching you. You wanted to slide further back, but there was just the wall where you were pressing your sweaty back against.

Fire called out to Copia, who was shocked to see you there. "What happened Fire?" he asked frantically as he knelt down to you. "I-I don't know...We had a little conflict in the dining hall.. and I was yelling at her and then all of a sudden she panicked and ran away. Cirrus told me to go find her and apologize, and then she sat here panicking and said to me 'no.... don't touch me'."

Copia was concerned about you and tried to take you to his office. Fire was then supposed to leave, but still stopped at the door.

You came back down and Copia started talking to you. "What happened Air?" You remained silent to sort out the many words in your head before you started to tell him.

"Fire was always making jokes about me, even after Faire left...and he just hurt me with it. I was going to ask him what that was all about until it turned out to be the guy I hit with a milkshake in college." "Oh, right. I remember a thing.. Fire came home smeared with a milkshake once... but he said earlier that you said to him something like no.... Don't touch me, did something happen during the time with Fire that you remembered? Does he touched you?!" he asked you carefully so as not to cause panic again.

"No... but honestly... Uni was the last dirt and pure torture... Once because you were gone and then once because I made friends with the wrong rats because I just didn't know what to do. They were the ones who forced me to do a milkshake on Fire, and the second I did it I regretted it right away. I wanted to apologize to him so damn many times, only he was never around afterwards and I never had the chance because I just didn't know that it was him behind the mask... and then... then" you came to a stutter as you panicked again.

"Then what happened?" Copia stroked your back, which calmed you down. "W-was I raped..." now all the dams were broken and you cried out loud. You clutched Copia's chest and just cried. "It hurt so much... just because those rats made me knock on the principal's door... that was a month after the Fire thing. I just made too many mistakes in college.... And I just shouldn't have to yell at Fire, I'm a horrible person.." „No! You're not! Don't say that!"

Would you ever be able to look Fire in the eye again without start to get in panic? It was so nice just now...

"But, the first time I was with you again...why did you lie?" "I-I wanted that when we met again, you think I would have been fine without you. I wanted to be like I used to be but I couldn't without you, that's why I believed so strongly in catching you again. You know what I mean? Well... I think I'll go to my room for now, if it's okay with you. I'll come back to see you tomorrow, I'm pretty messed up right now after what just happened..." " might want to really apologize to Fire, now's your chance...maybe he'll understand and forgive you a little..."

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