Chapter 30

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"Sunshine eventually calmed down and told the story from her point of view, shocking everyone else. This beast apparently managed to kill Abacus and Sabacus.... Sunshine is taking them to the place where it happened right now."

"Oh... ok..." you said coldly. "Air... are you alright? Do you know what's going on here right now. Abacus and Sabacus... do you even know who they are?" came a nun in charge of the garden, piercing you. "Yes... I know who they are. The most dangerous creatures in hell and they have deserved the death penalty for years, but no one has managed to kill them yet." you answer her question annoyed. "Exactly... that's why there's so much unrest here right now. Nobody knows why they broke out again. Nobody knows why they were here in the forest. Were they trying to attack us? How did a beast that suddenly appeared like that manage to kill them apparently?! How did Sunshine and Fire manage to get out of there so easily? Why did the beast know it had to protect Sunshine and Fire in the first place? ..." she continued to bombard you with questions for a while, when you eventually had enough and left.

Since no one was there anyway, you went back to Fire. Surprisingly, he was still lying there as he had been before. You sat back down on his side of the bed and put your hand in his. "F-fire...I-I love y-you..." you choked on your own words. Your heart began to pound faster and faster, but Fire showed no reaction. He was still lying there, unconscious, as he had been 10 seconds ago.

You spent the whole evening with him, just watching his chest move up and down. You felt the others slowly coming back from the forest, so you quickly wanted to go up to your room.

You got up with a heavy heart and were on your way out of his room when you had an idea. You didn't wait long and carried it out, although you didn't even know if you wanted to do it, you just did it.

You turned around and stood with a few steps at Fire his bed. There you leaned over his head and kissed him. On the lips. They were so soft, but also tasted like a relaxed fire. You had to push his mask a little to the side to get more of his lips trying not to expose his face. It was important to you that this rule doesn't break. Y'all promised never show their identity before you beginn showing your face.

Your heartbeat was still pretty high. You just hoped that Fire wouldn't open his eyes now and look into your soul, or that he would immediately turn his head away, because you just took advantage of him being unconscious and not wanting to kiss such an apparently strange creature at all.

You didn't know how long you held the kiss, but it was long. Quickly you fixed your masks again and left without even thinking about it. You didn't even ask yourself why you just did that, you just did it.

Just as you closed the door to your room, you heard the others standing downstairs. They didn't say much. Some were back at Fire's and the others were catching up on their supper. You didn't rejoin them until evening, when everyone was sitting in the main room. "How was the forest?" you interrupted the silence. "Well... Sunshine took us there and there we found Abacus and Sabacus dismembered. Then we told hell about it. Even the hell was horrified, once why they broke out in the first place and who killed them. Hell knew nothing about a new chosen one and was speechless itself when they were there. I wonder if they will find the Chosen One." Mountain began to tell you.

The next morning you lay in your bed for a while. You had to smile about yourself. Your plan really worked. They have no idea who you really are. Maybe a little bad that you now put all hell on your head, but still you were happy. You showed them. You showed them that you don't need them for that and look where you are now.

Quickly you got ready to get breakfast, but you were too late. In the kitchen you got an apple and a banana and went out into the garden. It was beautiful summer weather, Mountain has just in his small garden his element once again awakened, while you just sat down on a bench, which stood on the terrace.

All the time you were watching Mountain until he noticed you too. He came over to you and sat down next to you on the bench. "Hey." "Hi are you?" you asked him. "Good...hope Fire wakes up this week." he sounded sad. "W-why so late. Is their attack that bad?" " don't know. The nurse told me yesterday that he can't wake up until next week...whatever..." he kind of explained, but kind of didn't.

You then just talked for a bit before you went back inside because you were getting too warm. Since you had nothing to do all day, you just sat with Fire. Rain was also there this time, so you sat a little away from him. Fire looked much better than yesterday. Maybe you gave him your special power and helped him with that.

Rain was then but again gone and you were alone again. You had to think about yesterday. A wave of embarrassment came over you and you felt your cheeks getting redder.


Two more days went by and you did nothing. You didn't dare to be alone in a room with Fire anymore. Even though your heart wanted him and wanted to be with him all the time. But you were preoccupied with the thought of whether he would make it at all. You realized that you really liked Fire when you woke up this morning with a slight crack in your face. You were really in love with him and it's true love... he can't go now.

"HE'S AWAKE!" came a scream from downstairs which made you jump for joy. You ran down the stairs where the others were already running. Full of joy, you burst into his hospital room and completely overwhelmed him, while he was still floating on a completely different cloud.

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