Chapter 25

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Today it was once again so far. It was your birthday. Your third Ghoul-Day. Even though you didn't tell anyone, you wanted to give yourself a little present. Early in the morning you already stood in the church and baked yourself a cake. Since you didn't like warm cakes, you decided to do another round of magic in the forest before eating it.

The others were still asleep so you had to try to be quiet, which you half succeeded in doing if you hadn't run into the glass door. In the forest itself you completely forgot the time. Your ice power became so good that you couldn't stop doing magic, but also because your brother came back and you talked. He even sang you Happy Birthday which moved you just a little.

Breakfast was almost over, so you quickly ran through the forest with your wind power. In the kitchen you were looking for your cake, but you couldn't find it. You were so looking forward to the cake. Someone came in but you didn't pay attention to him. " just baked the most delicious cake..thank was just awesome...since we were fighting over the last piece, we decided you should have it." Fire handed you the last piece of cake. "Oh...thank you..." you accepted the piece disappointedly. "Was that for something important? Did we eat it away from you?" Fire's eyes widened as he realized your mood was not good. "No..'s fine. Glad you liked it." Compulsively you smiled but it did no good. Fire questioned you and threatened you sarcastically.... "I baked that cake as a birthday present for myself..." "it's your birthday today!? Oh shit... we didn't mean to..." Fire started to panic. "Fire...I didn't actually want you guys to know. I was happy to bake you the cake. Just go back to the others and pretend nothing happened... ok?" you grabbed Fire by the shoulders. "Fine..."

Fire left and you went to your room shortly after. "Guys we have a problem..." Fire yanked open the doors to the dining hall. "What is it now?" Secondo was annoyed. "It's Air's birthday today and the cake she baked was a birthday gift from her to her... so we just ate her gift away..." "oh..." secondo was suddenly not annoyed anymore.

As a surprise they all, really all who ate a piece of the cake baked a cake together. The sisterns, who were always responsible for the cooking, were not pleased when they saw the kitchen afterwards, but the idea was sweet of all.

They then called you down to the living room. You didn't know about the whole thing yet, so you were curious to see what happened now.

Everyone stood there when you came in the door and sang happy birthday to you. You started crying with happiness because of the action they did for you, but also once out of sadness, because never before so many people sang for you. Your tail wagged back and forth with joy as they hugged you one by one and congratulated you.

"You guys are so sweet...thank you...even though I should be mad at Fire right now..." you looked to him, but he avoided your gaze. Together you ate the cake and talked. In the end you were sure that Air should bake the cakes alone, but it tasted good.

It was autumn again but in the church it was still warm. Only for one reason. Fire. He kept changing his temperature which drove everyone crazy. Copia came bursting into the room with Fire. "What's wrong?" came Fire in surprise. "That's what I wanted to ask you..lately you've been changing your temperature so much...something must be..."

"Is it that noticeable?" he asked. "Yes...Fire...what's wrong?" Copia sat down at the edge of his bed. "I-I g-think I'm in love..." tears left the little ghoul's eyes. "But I have no idea about love.... When Air is there I feel something strange in my stomach... my head wants to go to her all the time... what is she doing to me? What about me? Faire just took advantage of me and I fell for it... I thought I knew what love was." "oh... my little gremlin... come here." Copia leaned toward Fire and he clawed at Copia.

*while in Air's room.
My mind is just full of him. But surely I have no idea about true love? Is it even love? What if his smell just gives me that weird feeling in my stomach? My temperature was changing all the time... beeing an Ice Ghoul is not so good sometimes... I hope the others don't get it. But what if it is love after all? Would he even want me?

We would occasionally make fun of each other and be sarcastic, but I'm sure he won't see anything serious behind it. I think I'm not the kind of girl he wants or imagined.

But Fire has become like a brother to me.... and his eyes.. ouw those eyes..

I collected all my thoughts into a book, I somehow must tell all my though to something but must keep it in secret. I imagined a fun name for it, the 'all about him <3' book. I always wrote the date when I wrote what. Like a diary, only about him:

‚For me he is the most beautiful man I have ever known, although I don't know him either somehow'.

‚With him my smile is finally real again'.

‚Even though nothing will probably come of us, I've already pictured our future'.

‚With no one do I feel as comfortable as with him.'

‚His eyes are the most beautiful thing in the whole world.'

‚I love it when he laughs.'

‚For me he is perfect.'

‚He looks so hot when he plays the guitar'.

‚Am I his fangirl? Maybe...... I love him? Maybe...... I don't know what love is? Maybe...... I'm jealous when he talks to others? Maybe...... I won't have a chance with him either way? Maybe...... maybe I should talk to others? Maybe...... maybe I should talk to my ghoulettes and tell them my feelings? Yesss...... Air what are you waiting for?'

Only love destroys the master| FireGhoulxReaderWhere stories live. Discover now