Chapter 29

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You had almost arrived at the church when you could already recognize far persons. When the trees became less and the church appeared, you recognized the people. There stood Copia, Secondo and a few ghouls.

Shock was written all over their faces as you handed them the injured Fire and the shocked Sunshine. Quickly you wanted to run away again before someone could recognize you. You looked at Fire one last time as they were already going into the church with him.

There was only one person left standing outside. Copia. He looked into your soul, which is why you quickly ran away. "Stop! Stay here!" he shouted after you, but you kept running into the forest. He tried to pull you to him with his magic, but you were stronger and could fight against him.

When you reached your place in the forest, you calmed down, trying to be a normal ghoul again and pulled out the knife that was still in your shoulder. Screams came through the forest when you finally had it out. Fortunately, the wound closed immediately and only a scar remained which stretched over your entire left shoulder.

You hid the knife in a tree stand and went straight back to the church. Luckily there was nothing going on in the main hallway and you could quickly run up the huge stairs to your room and take a shower. All your clothes were smeared with blood and you stank of the brothers.

With new contact lenses and fresh clothes you went downstairs and tried to find the others. You found everyone sitting in the infirmary. Everyone looked to you as you came through the door, Terzo stood right up and hugged you. "Air. There you are...where have you been?" he asked you nervously, "I-I was asleep and strange screams in the forest woke me up."  "You weren't in the forest!?" stood Rain suddenly. "N-no... why would I... well yes I was going to, but then I wasn't feeling so well and I turned back around."

"W-what happened anyway?" you asked, confused. "Fire and Sunshine were attacked in the forest by Abakus and Sabakus..." mumbled Aether sadly, without giving you a glance. Even though you already knew it, tears welled up in your eyes again. Terzo rubbed over your back, trying to calm you down.

"Some weird creature brought her here then, or Fire would be dead by now..." told you Swiss the story further, even if you were a little offended because you are not a weird creature. "It wasn't just any being, it was a chosen one...only they are stronger than my energy...I did try to bring it to me, but it was able to last..." suddenly Copia interjected. Everyone suddenly became shocked and looked to Copia. "B-but Papa... there hasn't been a chosen one in decades..." said Cirrus speechlessly.

"And her eyes... so beautifully two-tone... it amazes me that Hell hasn't announced the chosen one yet, something like that is on the front page of the newspaper for what feels like weeks." Copia puzzled. "It doesn't matter, for now we have to hope that Fire will get better," you interjected to distract her a bit.

A while passed where you just sat there in silence. Sunshine was still in shock and shaking all over. Cumulus and Cirrus tried to calm her down, but she kept blaming herself, like you, for not being there for Fire.

You couldn't think of anything else but that. Everything would be your fault if he fucking died. All because your wind was two fucking seconds too late. They could have gotten out of there unharmed. Fire can't leave now, or you'd never forgive yourself.

Fire was lying there injured and had all kinds of scratches on his face, he was missing a big part of his horn and there was a fat scar of strings across his belly down to his thigh kinda like holding him together so he'll not fall apart.

Stoned, you still stood there and you felt yourself getting sick. Quickly you ran past the others, out of the infirmary to the bathroom. You thrown up all your food from this morning. Exhausted, you fell next to the toilet and everything started spinning in your head.

Back in the infirmary, when you cried yourself out on the toilet, a nurse was there and assured us that he would make it, but that it would take time for him to wake up. Even though it's a good sign, it was still a heavy weight on your heart while the others were hugging each other with relief.

You just sat there and watched Fire. It was getting later and later and you didn't even notice that the others had already left and you were just alone in a room with Fire. You made extra sure that you were really alone when you dared to sit on his bed and come closer.

"I'm so sorry. If only I had been two seconds faster..." Tears landed on your hand, which then slowly ran down. Again you looked around to see if you were really alone and then carefully placed Fire's hand in yours. They were so soft and warm.

You just sat there and looked him up and down. Now you had the chance to look as long as you wanted without him noticing.

Towards evening you left to have dinner, because otherwise it would be noticed if you were not there. Sure, everyone knows that Fire is just as important to you, but you just had hardly any strength to answer.

Confused, you stood in the cafeteria as half of the church was gone. Did you miss dinner? Now you have to deal with the people you barely have contact with. Fortunately, you still saw Tobia's "pretend" mother, where your heart was glad to see her, like in the old times.

"Hey Air, sit down."  she smiled warmly at you. "Why is half the church missing?" you asked cautiously. All the nuns turned to look at you with a look like you were living behind the moon. "You haven't noticed yet?!" asked Aurora, Tobias's "pretend" mom. "No... what? I was with Fire the whole time." you talk your way out of it so as not to be justified.


Sorry for updating so late. It's the last day from my vacation and I packed my things and totally forget to update my Story.

Love y'all.

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