Chapter 65

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Everything was good between you again. It was a bit weird for a short time, but that is then quickly faded again. Air had another conversation with the Papas the next day because of the accusations, which was then also quickly clarified on both sides.

You just lay in your bed and leafed through Air's self-written book. You had a few tears running from your eyes as you read what Air had written about you. It was like you were floating in old memories, just having you think back to that moment made your heart beat faster. Because of the incident, Air didn't think about the book anymore, so you secretly kept it for yourself.

You eventually came across a page that looked more like a contract. "..and if he hasn't proposed to me by 6/6/2066, I'm going to take it in my hand and trick him in a special way. First I'll pretend I'm cheating, wich is all bullshit, then he'll come to me pissed off and I'll go down on one knee... the idea is great." you read quietly to yourself as you were shocked. "You weren't seriously going to do that Air!?" you dramatically huffed holding your hand in front of your mouth as you then grinned, also from the idea.

There was one thing you were sure of. You want to ask for Air's hand. But first you're going to trick her, because what would a proposal be without Fire's typical way... right? A little revenge must be, that she even had the idea to do this with me.

But how do you propose? When is the perfect time? What do you need for it?

*Air's pov*
You were lying in bed reading a book when Fire came in the door. Immediately you put the book down and looked at him. "Hey there. What are you doing?" he asked as he sat down on your bed as you sat down next to him. "Reading a book." you laughed as you presented him the book you had just read.

"And what about the books? Don't you read them anymore? Have you read through them all yet?" Fire took the top book from the piles of books about all your power. "No.. I don't magic... or rather... I don't read them anymore." you said a little sadly. "But... you do need to practice... you are our protector of hell." looked Fire to you but you avoid his gaze. "Yes Fire... but it wasn't long ago that I destroyed myself with all those books... and forgot about you." you looked at the floor thinking about the last time you picked up such a book.

"What are you reading anyway.... Manchkratalisus. Spell of the left ice power...whatever that means. Ranch- what?" Fire had opened the book and was trying to read something out of it. You took the book from his hand and looked to see what word he was trying to read. "Ranchkratelistut... that I need to be able to move my wind in any direction at all... but you also need to be able to control Bantelus..." and so you started to tell Fire.

You were explaining the whole book to him and what was important when you had to take a breath. That's when it occurred to you what Fire's idea was.

You closed the book and turned around to Fire, who was lying in your bed, sleeping very relaxed between your pillows. You picked up a pillow and then threw it at Fire. Confused, he looked up and looked at you in confusion.

"Ey... what was that all about... I was just relaxing here..." he looked at you like a conceited child. "You were trying to trick me!" You point at the book as it came back to Fire's mind. "Oh yeah...right." He grinned proudly that you couldn't stay mad at him. You put the book down then and snuggled up with Fire in your bed.

"You're right, I can start again slowly." you said, as you buried your head in Fire's chest and he put his arms around you again.

So you started to train your strength again without the same mistake happening again. You just packed some books into your backpack and went into the forest at your typical time.

*Fire's pov*
Unconsciously you encouraged Air to go into the forest again, which made it even easier for you to plan the proposal.

You went to the others little by little and talked about your plan and planned with them. A whole 3 months went by just talking and planning with them. But you didn't want to do anything wrong and it's supposed to be really fun when Air thinks back to the moment.

It makes you kind of proud to think that you are planning the beginning of your future behind her back and it is also the beginning of something big.

*Air's pov*
When you got back from the forest, you took a quick shower before heading to the cafeteria because you were really hungry. Working on your strength can be really exhausting.

Everyone was already sitting in the cafeteria when you quickly grabbed something to eat. Next to Fire you took a seat and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, when you already had food in your mouth. Sadly, he looked at you that it was only such a quick kiss, but then had to grin when he saw your full mouth.

"And how was your day? What did you do?" you asked in the round. Aether was about to start talking when you saw Cirrus trying to hide something on her neck. You looked a little closer as you then leaned over the table a bit and held her hair out of the way. There you saw something that surprised you.

Shocked, you looked at her as she was already blushing and quickly made her hair back in front of it. "Who!? When!?" you asked full of energy as suddenly everyone was looking at you. "It's from Mountain..." she said shyly.

"What? What's from Mountain?" asked Fire confused as you pointed to the still clearly visible spot on her neck that Fire also saw the bite mark.

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