Chapter 34

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You wanted to go back into the forest and do magic, but Terzo still forbade you to go in there alone. They really didn't know anything, hell really managed to keep it as a secret.

That you couldn't do magic properly, like you always did, drove you crazy. But what also drove you crazy was that the day after tomorrow the information would come to earth and you still haven't told anyone.

Today was also the hottest day here in the church and you had to wear something to cover your shoulder so that your scar wouldn't show yet. The whole church was outside today and had like a pool day. They did ask you if you wanted to join in, that already Aether threatened to find you and throw you in the pool with clothes, but your excuses that you just don't feel so good today won out.

Of course you were perfectly fine, when have you ever been sick? You just had to find some excuse that they could leave you alone and you could go into the woods. You packed some books in your bag and tiptoed down the big staircase. Everywhere the doors were open to air, which made it even easier for you to go into the forest. So you quickly slipped out of the main door, hoping that no one saw you.

When you were deeper and deeper in the forest, you then took off your shirt, which you ran around only in the bra, but it was just much too warm to endure it in the shirt another minute.

You were almost at your place and were glad that you could finally do magic again... if there hadn't been someone who paid you a visit.

*Terzo's pov"

Today was a beautiful day here at the church. Everyone had fun in the pool while you just enjoyed the sun a little. It's a pity that Air is not well and can't be there. Because you would have liked to have her with you.

You wanted to go to the church to get something to drink when you saw the tail of a ghoul. It can only be one. Air. Who else.

Quickly you ran to the main door and saw her coming further and further into the forest. You got a little mad at her for lying to you, and then breaking a rule that was important to you because you were scared. But it must have something to do with the chosen one stuff you though somehow. She's been acting a bit strange since the other day and doesn't seem like she always tells the truth but you also could be prove wrong.. you just didn't new..

You didn't know how to react if she was the chosen one now. Sure you would probably be happy, but also mad at her for lying to us. The reason you would then like to know why she did that, if she is.

You just run after her with mixed feelings.

*your pov*

It was Terzo. Damn. You're screwed if you just start doing magic now. At your place you went on again hoping to lose him, but nothing worked. Again you arrived at your place only this time you sat down and tried to pretend you were just going for a walk. Your wind kept telling you that he was hiding behind things and all the time you were hoping that you would do some magic.

But why are you so afraid of it? You wanted to tell them that otherwise..

"I think I'll go back slowly, it was a nice walk..." you said to yourself when you didn't want to wait anymore and wanted to go.

Surprisingly, Terzo was suddenly standing behind you, leaning against a tree. You were a bit embarrassed to stand in front of him in your bra, but you don't think he cared.

"What are you doing here?" he said annoyed. "I went for a walk in the make myself feel better...what are you doing here anyway?" you answer back pissed off. "I fucking told you not to go into the woods by yourself?! Wait... what's that on your shoulder?" he walked up to you and turned you so he had the perfect view of the scar on your left shoulder.

"That's a new one... tell the truth..." he turned you back again. "It's not like I have to worry about the Chosen One attacking me because I'm the Chosen One..." Annoyed, you turned your eyes as you sat down on the log next to him because Terzo was still standing there frozen.

"You really are the chosen one..." "Yep." "A-and your eyes?" "Contact lenses." "You killed Abacus and Sabacus?" "Yeah...after they almost killed me, but yeah." "A-and you saved Fire and Sunshine?" "Terzo... yaaahaaa." everyone knew what the Chosen One did, so Terzo could have answered the question on his own. Again he came closer to you and... fell into your arms? "Thank you." whispered in your ear as a tear ran down your back.

You just stroked his back, not knowing what to do. Eventually, he pulled away from you and looked at you, crying. "W-why didn't you s-say anything?" he asked cautiously, making you feel bad that you didn't tell. "It's related to Faire. I wanted to keep my power a secret, so that she wouldn't destroy it for me and one day I could show them that I could do it without her. Then Faire was gone, at that time my second power started, I could control air pretty well there. But I still didn't want to tell them, because I didn't know what was wrong with me... I was afraid to ask, and so it came about that I always go into the forest and practice on myself and my power, as I wanted to do today. Only you were following me all the time." you laughed.

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