Chapter 33

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"So let's see... since when do you know that you are a Chosen One?" "After I was transformed, I practiced my actual element Air and mastered it very quickly. I read a lot about it and suddenly, when I practiced again, I could conjure ice. I often asked Cardinal Copia about it and indirectly tried to find out if I was a chosen one at all because I just didn't belive it. This is why I didn't tell anyone at first 'cause I was afraid that it was something bad. And so I became more and more aware that I am a chosen one."

"How did you know that Abacus and Sabacus were attacking the ghouls?" asked the other man, while the one man was still writing. "I wanted to go to the forest because I always go there to practice and I felt that the forest was somehow telling strange stories, I then sent my wind power through the forest and let him search if he knew why. He finally came back at some point and he told me that they were there, which is why the wind brought me to them."

You got annoyed as the ghouls behind you still wouldn't stop clowning around and making faces. "Can you please send the ghouls out, it's annoying when they were making faces behind me and being funny about it." The man admonished the ghouls while they were shocked that you knew what they were doing behind your back, even though you didn't even look at them.

"And you've been staying at Cardinal Copia's church all this time?" "Yes... that's right and I'd like to stay there." "Don't worry, you can, but the ghouls you saved... why did you know you had to protect them?" the man asked nervously waiting for your answer. "I ehm... mhh.. they're my friends, so it's obvious you want to save them... only I'm looking at one of the ghouls in particular, which would have broken my heart if he had been killed by Abacus... if you know what I mean..." now you were getting nervous too.

"Aw... that's sweet. I don't have any more questions, now just some more information for you. So you are the chosen one who made hell a lot safer, for which we are all very grateful. Your job now is to protect Hell if you so choose." "Oh... ehm... I hardly thought about that. But yes. I'll be happy to protect hell... but then what do I have to consider? I would like to live on planet Earth in peace, of course it is allowed to talk about the Chosen One obviously, but I would like to live there normally, as I have always done before," you said immediately, so as not to take a wrong step.

"Oh yes... of course... that's where I was about to go out, how do you want it? We are ready to fulfill your wishes and understand it. You can continue to live there normally, only if hell is attacked, then you must come immediately without exceptions..."

It went on for another hour, explaining things to you about what you are allowed to do as the chosen one and what you are not. Shortly before it was over, they asked you another question.

"So... my colleague has taken down the conversation a little bit and if you agree, small excerpts will be included in the report. Prepare yourself already times that you are first long on the cover of the hell newspaper... do you have anything else on your heart you want to tell us?" he grinned, which also made you smile. "No, I don't have a problem with the conversation. Just one more thing, they always send the newspaper digitally to planet Earth... could you maybe postpone the article about the Chosen One for about a week, I haven't told anyone in the church yet and some people aren't supposed to find out that way..." you said humbly.

"Oh... ehm... yeah sure, I'll set that up... anything else?" "One.. little.. thing.. , I was shopping here earlier... and... ehm... do you still have the clothes? There were some very nice things in there that I would like to have back..." "Yes... someone took them, you'll get them when you leave... then please follow me Aice."

Yes that's right. You are no longer are now Aice. Not much changed but it was a composite of your elements.

Your handcuffs were taken off, since you were no longer a danger from your mood, and you were taken to a room where there was a piece of paper and next to it a pen with a jar of ink.

There you had to sign that you would protect hell and also be willing to show that you were a chosen one or something like that. When the man explained it to you, you didn't really listen, so you just signed and tried not to be blinded by the cameras of the stupid paparazzi.

You actually thought you could finally leave after that, but then you were taken to another room where you were asked how you wanted your contribution to be structured.

After hours in this building you finally made it and you got your bags with the clothes back. You thought that you could finally go home, but in front of the building there was the whole city calling your name. They wanted photos with you, signatures...everything.

You were surprised how grateful they looked at you. Of course, you yourself would be speechless that after decades there is a chosen one again and she is even so strong to kill the most dangerous brothers, which was never possible, even that a chosen one is so strong.

With security you have then penetrated through the people until you arrived at some point at the portal to the planet Earth and have left hell behind you.

It was a strange feeling. Everything around you was silent and no one knows that you are the chosen one, but just Air, where everyone thinks you are just a normal ghoul enjoying her life.

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