hidden away

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Vanity pov

I was incredibly groggy when I'd woken up. I was all the way out in the hallway rather than being halfway in the bathroom like I faintly remember. Everything feels like a huge blur.

I managed to drag myself from the floor and stand up. Fair to say I stood in the hallway for a good two minutes just staring blankly at nothing.
Like a zombie I shuffled through the cold flat into the living room where Robbin sat in front of the TV. His blonde hair was quite frizzy and his face was a tad pasty.

He had a beer and cigarette in his hand and was taking occasional sups from it.
Once he noticed my presence he turned his head around and gave me a half-assed smile. "Afternoon babe, C'mere" he said to me. His voice was incredibly scratchy.

I walked over to him and laid flopped onto the sofa next to him. He stuck his arm out and I snuggled into his chest as he wrapped his arm around me. "What time is it?" I croaked out. Shit my throat hurt. "It's four fifty-five. You really took that hard didn't you?" He laughed to himself as he kissed me on the head. I waved my hand toward his cigarette and he passed it to me.

"I thought I was going to die Robbin." I stated. "Yeah but I bet it felt good after didn't it?" He looked down at me as I turned my head up at him giggling.

"Yeah I guess it did." I grabbed the side of his face and kissed him. Placing my head on his chest. He ran his free hand through my hair and began to whisper sweet things to me.

It was moments like this that made me think he wasn't so bad. He was better than people thought. Moments like this felt peaceful, perfect. Things like this helped me forget all of things he did to me yesterday.

"Vanity sweetheart." He said. I thought he was going to say something nice and kind to me. To make my heart flutter. But I couldn't be more wrong. "You're not going out with Chrissy. You understand." I stayed still for a moment. Just keeping my eyes on the TV however i felt him tug at me hair a little. Not too rough however it hurt a little bit. "I mean it Vanity. You're not going out with her unless I'm there." His voice was incredibly stern. I nodded my head slowly as I was still in an bit of a daze.

He began to stroke the top of my head. "Good girl" he kissed my head again.

After that we just sat there together. It almost made me wonder why I was even upset about him shouting at me when he treats me so nice afterwards.

Two days later

Robbin had told me I can't go to work like I wanted to, so I'd had two days off as Robbin said he didn't want Vivienne questioning why I looked ill.

For two days I'd been stuck in the flat with Robbin, he had disregarded how sick I felt the day after I'd done it, he just left for hours to rehearse with his friends and talk about music.

Today however I felt okay enough so I decided to go into work. Once I walked through the door Vivienne looked up and saw me, she looked at me blankly before going back to flipping through a magazine. I slowly walked through the shop awkwardly taking my jacket off and sliding it onto the counter.

"So he's finally let you out? Didn't think I'd see you till next week." Vivienne snarked, i didn't want to say anything rude to Vivienne as cause I understood why she was upset however biting my tongue wasn't my strong point.

"Well I'm back. Just had a bit of an upset stomach" I said smiling slightly, Vivienne looked up at me with thin eyes. "You think I'm stupid do you?" She asked me. "What are you talking about." I tried to act clueless however Vivienne didn't seem to buy it as she scoffed. "You think I don't know what he's doing to you. Hiding you away, not letting anyone see you. Then once you come round you're back at work. He's done something to you Vanity. And believe me I'll find out what." She slammed her magazine shut and walked into the back of the shop.

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