nothing really matters

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Vanity pov

After Robbin had shouted at me, told me how awful I was and how much he hated me but loved me cause i need him to protect me I ended up sat on the floor in a curled up ball with my knees up to my chest as I slightly wept, alone in the house.

I checked how I looked in the mirror and sure enough, the pain in my lip was because it looked busted and dry blood left crusting around it.

It looked slightly swollen and bruised, I gently brushed my fingers past the corner of my lip feeling the stinging pain almost Immediately.

I know he didn't punch me, it didn't take long to find out what happened, the still red hand print on my cheek was over my lips which meant he'd probably slapped me across the face.

My brain was a little foggy so I couldn't really remember what had happened.

My leg had a bruise on the top of my knee which was turning a purple, yellowish colour.

I felt like an idiot for saying anything to Vivienne.
I flinched when I heard the door slam and Robbin's heavy footsteps on the floor.

"Babe!" He yelled, I didn't answer. The fear of what he'd say now coursed through me. I went to walk out of the bedroom, but stopped in pain as I knocked my knee where my bruise was on the bed post. "Fuck" I cursed under my breath. Tears came to my eyes as the pain stung.

I heard the click of the TV and the sound of people talking. I sighed and heard him shout at me again "Vanity! Get out here!" He yelled. I brushed my hair out of my face and opened the door, walking into the living room.

He had his guitar case which he slung from his shoulders and placed it gently down next to the TV.

"Took your time didn't you?" He said. I shook my head and let out a light chuckle, "sorry, I woke up not long ago" I said trying to make it lighthearted however he turned his head to look at me, his brows furrowed and he looked annoyed "You're not crying are you? Still? Seriously. You're like a fucking baby" he rolled his eyes.

Muttering about me under his breath, hearing him talk bad about me like that made me cry even more, he groaned and walked over to me, grabbing my face and looking directly into my eyes.

"Vanity, stop acting like a three year old." He said firmly "its a bit hard when all you do is treat me like one" I snapped back, immediately I got scared. "It's because that's all you act like. You misbehave and I have to set you straight!" He raised his voice which scared me but he didn't hit, just gripped my face slightly harder.

"You're such a fucking cry baby honestly  I've never seen a woman who cries as much as you" he said in a unbelievable voice. I felt like an idiot, sniffling and crying like this.

"Now, I love you that's all you need to know. I do this cause I love you okay. Tell me you understand" he said, his grip was more gentle now however both hands were now on my face. I nodded slowly and he smiled gently. "Good girl" he kissed my forehead and hugged me. "Oh and stop crying, makes you look like a fucking child." He said before throwing himself down on the sofa.

All I could think was how much of an idiot I was for making him upset. Why do I have to make him upset when he's so nice to me. He's got a handful to put up with me. I'm surprised he hasn't left me yet.

After a while me and Robbin had made up.
When I say made up I mean we fucked and he gave me another shot of heroin which my body completely rejected. Its definitely not easier the second time with that. I was away with the aliens once I'd done it.

This time he was slightly more caring than last time. At least he helped me to the toilet to throw up and stayed with me when we went back to bed.

I was still really out of it, which is why I wasn't too pleased when I heard the phone ringing. Angrily I got up from my position next to Robbin and and walked into the hallway where the phone was.

I felt like I could collapse however I still managed to make it. "Hello" I said annoyed.

"Vanity? Hey its chrissy"

I scrunched my face as the sound of Chrissy's voice cause my headache to pound. "What do you want?" I asked rudely

Chrissy didn't seem to pick up on my annoyed voice as she talked normally.

"Well I was gonna ask if you wanted to come to Steve's warehouse, there's a party going on there" she said in an almost hopeful voice.

I thought about it. There's no way Robbin would let me out without him, and I doubt he'll want to go out right now. "Umm no chrissy I don't think ill be going" she tutted annoyed. "Vanity come on you've hardly been out this week."

"No chrissy" I said sternly, I didn't want chrissy to be annoyed with me but she just can't take the word no. "Fine whatever, stay with your junkie boyfriend I don't care!" She yelled then the phone slammed down.

I sighed before placing the phone back and walking into the bedroom where robbin was rolling himself a joint. "Who was it?" He asked, then mumbled for me to put a record on. As I went to put it on I answered "Chrissy" I sighed. "Ugh what did she want?" He asked rolling his eyes.

"Um Steve's having a party, asked if I wanted to come but I didn't think you'd be up for it" I tried to end the topic.

He hummed as though he was thinking "let's go" he said, my eyes widened at his words "what?" I said in disbelief "don't get me wrong, that was very thoughtful of you sweets, but I don't fancy staying in this apartment any longer." He said getting up and putting his trousers on. Once he had I stood in between his legs as he looked up at me wondering why I was acting this way.

"But I thought we could stay in tonight Robby ya know, just you and me" I said lowly and softly. He looked at me gently, caressing my cheek softly with his hand.

"Oh Vanity...." I was preparing for something sweet or caring "I don't wanna stay in here with you tonight, and don't call me Robby it makes me sound like a fucking baby" he moved me away and stood up walking into the living room.

I just stood there for a while before getting dressed, I put a pair of stockings on with a leather skirt from Vivienne and a shirt with Vivienne's iconic writing on it and some black boots

Once we got to the warehouse I was met with Chrissy who just stood infront of me. Robbin didn't care and left me on my own so it was me and chrissy stood awkwardly together.

I could feel the awkwardness radiating from her, there was so much built up tension. That was until Chrissy hugged me...just turned around and hugged me.
I was a little taken aback as chrissy doesn't hug, she's not one for physical contact. I eased myself and wrapped my arms around her.

We just stayed like that for a few minutes before she pulled away. "Im sorry" she said truthfully. "It's okay-"

"No its not, I hurt you and I'm so sorry Vanity I just....I don't wanna see you get hurt and I mean it when I say I care about you Van." She spoke gently but honestly. I nodded my head, grateful that she was being so caring. "I love you Chrissy" I smiled. "I love you too Vanity" she said however smirking a little. "Now what's say we get you livened up a little" it was weird. At first I thought she was gonna offer me a shot of Heroin like Robbin does when he says that. But no, she was talking about beer and thank god for that because I don't think I could take much more of that drug.

"Come on then let's get pissed" I laughed at her as we made our way to the drinks table....this was gonna be a long night

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