you're just Rotten ain't ya?

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We'd been here for hours now. Chrissy had left me on my own as she went upstairs with Steve. I had a little bit of weed and the colours were so much brighter it wasn't a great high though as I didn't have much.

Robbin was god knows where and he wasn't really interested in finding me so I was on my lonesome for a while. Deciding to grab another drink I made my way to the drinks table.

I said hello to a few people and got myself a beer, I walked around the room however I bumped into someone. Looking up I saw it was a guy with spikey orange hair and a paper clip as an earing. "Watch where ya going won't ya" he yelled "i didn't mean to, rude bastard" I mumbled the end but he heard it. "What did you say?" He asked angrily. "I called you a rude bastard....have you got a problem with that?" I said sarcastically. A small smirk appeared on his face.

"Your name doesn't happen to be Vanity Howard does it?" He asked, my brows furrowed. "I don't know who's asking?" I said smartly. "Your boyfriend's Robbin Cohen ain't he?" I was quite confused as to what how he knew Robbin.

"And?" I said. "Yeah I saw him and his 'band' performing a cover of Billy squier songs" he smiled, flashing a mouth full of rotten teeth. "Aww did ya like it?" I asked sarcastically. "Well he might be an alright singer but he's shit at guitar" he stated.

I couldn't argue with him. He wasn't very good at guitar, he never has been. His mate offered to give him lessons but he said he didn't need lessons from a 17 year old child.

"And what makes you so special aye? Apart from your beautiful teeth of course" I asked him angrily, managing to get a jab in at him. He looked passed at my comment. "You've got a right gob on ain't ya?" He stated before drinking his beer.

"Funny you say all this shit and yet you won't tell me your name." I laughed. "My name is John Lydon, happy now?" He said incredibly fed up.

"John's a nice name. Pity it was given to you." I smiled sarcastically before strutting away. Unfortunately I was completely unaware of his smiling face as he watched me walk away.

"Vanity! C'mere" I heard Robbin yell, I rolled my eyes as I hoped I wouldn't have to deal with him for another few hours. I saw Robbin sat on an old sofa with a couple other people who looked like metal heads.

He pulled me down to sit on his lap and slid his hand round my waist. "This is my girl Vanity" he said as all his friends laughed or wowed. "Fuck mate where'd you find her?" One of his friends said eyeing me up and down "she's an angle sent from heaven ain't you baby" he kissed my neck and I could tell he was drunk as the smell of alcohol became incredibly strong.

"You think you could share?" Someone else said. I was expecting Robbin to blow up out of anger and start a fight but he didn't....he just laughed.

"Nah bro she's all mine, unless you wanna pay?" He said, was he serious?

"What are you talking about?" I asked him quietly as I hoped he wasn't serious....oh how wrong I was.

"Well it doesn't hurt to share does it?" He slurred "what? I thought you said I was yours" I stated quite angry. "You are. But Connor is my friend and well I want people to know how good you are don't I?" He said, I was incredibly shocked, this was crossing the fucking line.

"Are you taking the piss, you disrespectful little shit!" I yelled getting up however he grabbed me incredibly hard. Pulling my down close to his face he whispered "don't embarrass me Vanity, I mean it" I don't know if it was the drugs or how upset I was but I slapped him clean across the face.

I could see his body language chance from 'I'm pissed' to 'I'm gonna fucking kill someone'

"That's it" he muttered, grabbing me and getting ready to walk away however someone grabbed me from the side.
"S'cuse me could I borrow Vanity for just a moment. Chrissy is looking for her" a voice said, I looked at the person and realised it was John....what was he doing.

"Tell chrissy she's busy." He said and was about to walk away however John wasn't leaving. He stopped me from leaving by grasping my shoulders more firmly. "I don't think so, chrissy needs to talk to her. I suggest you let her see her mate" he said before pulling me away out of Robbins grip. And surprisingly Robbin didn't follow us, or shout after us.

Once we were far enough away I asked Johnny "what on earth are you doing?" I asked him. He guided me and took me into the main room where everyone was.

He stood straight infront of me "saving you from a beating" he stated, I was confused on what he meant. "What?" I asked. "Don't play dumb with me, you probably should've put a jacket on i doubt the purple dots on your shoulder came from the rain." He said lifting an eyebrow. To say I was angry was an understatement. But I was also grateful, someone finally noticed.

"Chrissy just left actually so hang around here for a bit. You'll be alright." He said before turning around. Before he could walk away I shouted him. "Johnny!" He stopped and turned around. "Thank you" I said softly.

"Anytime sweetheart." He smiled before walking away to dance with everyone around us.

I saw Steve walking up to me and he stood next to me putting on a flirtatious face. "Alright? What you doing hiding here?" He said. "Trying to get away from the boyfriend ya know?" I said lightheartedly

"Oh really?" He smirked. "How about I.... take you upstairs and we can hide from him there." He suggested. I just laughed "I'm very flattered but I don't fancy cheating on my boyfriend thank you." I shot him down as I tried to get out of the situation. "Oh I like you" i raised a brow as he sipped his beer. "Do you?" I asked in a flirty way. "Oh yeah." He retorted, shooting me a small wink. "Well seeing as we can't have a quick fuck. How about a dance?" He asked just as 'shang-a-lang' came on by the Bay City Rollers.

I thought about it for a second before deciding to just do it. Robbin flirts all the time. Why shouldn't I?

"Go on then" he threw his beer can down and grabbed my hand. We both danced around. Malcolm was there, Vivienne, Nick, Paul and Johnny.

This was one of the first times I've felt free. I've felt happy. And the best thing about it, it felt like all my family was there.

More of a family than my real one. I'm just glad I don't have to see them anymore.

A/N: heyyyyy so basically Sid will be coming into this soon but I'm just wanting to show you what Vanity is like and her relationships with the others. Her and johnnys relationship is quite confusing and honesty weird but I'm planning a sweet ending for their relationship. I hope you're all enjoying this and please vote and tell me what you think. ❤️‍🔥💚❤️‍🔥💚❤️‍🔥💚❤️‍🔥💚❤️‍🔥💚❤️‍🔥💚❤️‍🔥💚❤️‍🔥💚❤️‍🔥💚❤️‍🔥💚❤️‍🔥💚❤️‍🔥

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