Tea Time Television Terror

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December, a lovely time for the festive spirit to begin, a time for loving, family friends and giving.

And for Vanity it was the most perfect unperfect time to get a little early Christmas gift from Mickey.

She'd not used it, she'd put it away, was she going to throw it away? Or save it? Even she didn't know.

Instead she was putting the kettle onto the hob and getting some biscuits out and placing them onto the coffee table.
She'd gotten not one but two cups out.

And unusually she had a guest coming, that guest being Sidney. He was currently on the bus to Vanitys house, happily he'd been waiting to go all morning.

He excitedly tapped his converse on the cold metal floor and twiddling his fingers as he watched the world go by him, as he looked to the left of him he saw an old woman who looked absolutely mortified by how he looked. Wearing his black Viv Le Rock shirt tatted converse and Jeans which were full of safety pins and rips.

He just grinned at her and went back to looking out of the window.
The bus stopped and he quickly got up rushing down the stairs and out of the bus, quickly brushing a hand through his hair before walking up to Vanity's flat, he knocked twice before she answered.

She smiled and invited him in, as she made the tea he sat on the sofa and tapped his fingers on the back of the sofa.

Vanity quickly looked at the time, realising it was almost tea time she rushed to make the tea, giving them both a stir she quickly walked over to the sofa handing Sid his tea and turning the TV on.

"Which one are you betting fucks up first?" Vanity asked "John definitely" He laughed, Vanity shook her head "nope I'm betting Steve, he'll be pissed off his head" she said confidently as the introduction for Thames Television came on.

Vanity giggled excitedly and snuggled into Sid's chest as he placed his arm around her.

There was Bill Grundy sat in his chair as he began to speak "they are punk rockers....the new craze they tell me....they are hero's...not the nice clean rolling stones. You see they are as drunk as I am, they are clean by comparison, they're a group called the Sex Pistols." He introduced them, Vanity couldn't stand the snobby way in which he talked it was so annoying to her.

"I am told that, that group has received 40 thousand pounds from their record company" Grundy said in a snidey way. Glen did a little wave to the camera which Vanity laughed at a little.

"Doesn't that seem a little opposed to the anit materialistic view of life?" Grundy asked "Nah the more the merrier" Glen said. "Tell me more about what you've done with the money" Grundy said. Steve leant forward putting his cup on the table "we've fucking spent it ain't we" he said quickly however no one seemed to catch what he said, Vanity and Sid definitely heard it however.

"Ahhh I was right, our very own Artful dodger Jonesy!" She laughed. Sid tutted and then pointed at the TV "I bet Johnny won't be far behind him" he said however Vanity shushed him slightly
"Are you serious or are you just trying to make me laugh?" Grundy asked, Glen began to nod, sarcastically agreeing "oh yeah its all gone"

"Are you serious?"

"Oh yeah, yeah" Glen nodded, Grundy looked at the camera in disbelief and shook his head.

They then began to go on about classical musicians "Beethoven, Mozart....-"

"Well they're all hero's of ours ain't they?" Johnny said sarcastically rocking back n forth on his chair. "Really?" Grundy asked "oh yes they really turn us on" Johnny grinned.

We die together Sid Vicious x OC.  Based On PistolWhere stories live. Discover now