Razor Rotten

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A/N another filler chapter however.....I'm sorry if its boring please tell me if it is I promise I'll try my best to make it better. There will be more and better exciting chapters.

The aftermath of going on Thames Television they were all targets. Anyone who knew the Pistols were all targets for the people of Britain to go after.

Vanity had gotten into a fight with a girl because the girls 'grandmother' was watching Thames and was incredibly offended by the Pistols words.

Vanity sort of became known to the public that she was the Pistols 'groupie' she was around them all the time, she was touchy with all of them making her another one of the public's punching bags.

Paul had gone to Vanity's flat with Johnny, they were all going for a drink at the pub however Paul and Johnny wanted something to eat at a food truck, "can we have one small chips and a bacon butty please, twice" Paul said, they waited together as Vanity and Johnny started to softly kick each others feet. They waited for a minute before their food was ready, the nice man at the stall handed Paul the chips which he then handed to Vanity.

Then giving Johnny his food as he took one bite from his. "Thanks-" Vanity said however was cut off abruptly when someone shouted very loudly at them.



(Paul: 🧍🏼‍♂️am I a joke to you?)

as all three of them looked to see what it was panic immediately set in. It was a group of skinheads running straight at them.

"MY MUM WAS WATCHING THAT YOU BASTARD" one of them shouted to Johnny as all three of them bolted, Paul grabbed Vanity's chips and threw them straight at the group of unhinged men.

They bolted to the car and immediately rushed into the back, Paul first, Vanity stumbled on top of him as Johnny pulled the chair back and jumped into his seat. "Lock the door!" Vanity shouted as Paul locked his door, Vanity locked hers and when Steve realized what was going on he locked his.

In no time the skinheads had ambushed the car, banging on the windows, trying to open the door, climbing on the roof and shockingly stabbing a knife through the roof which was only inches from Johnny's head.

"DRIVE!" He shouted as his voice cracked with fear. Steve slammed his foot on the pedal as they sped away.
Once they were a safe distance away and didn't have to worry about getting stabbed, Vanity picked her head up and looked at Paul sadly "my chips" she spoke before pushing her head back on Paul's chest.

Johnny turned around and watched as Paul stroked her head, still weaning away from the adrenaline which had just overtaken his body. He made a disgusted face before rolling his eyes and turning away.

"Can you drop me off near the shop boys, I'm gonna be late otherwise" she said, Steve nodded saying a quick yes before turning the corner.

They drove for a few more seconds before reaching the shop, they were a few doors down from it so Vanity just walked the rest of the way. As she got to the front she saw the words "Scum" and "Filth" written in spray paint on the front of the shop.

Vivienne was in the process of revamping the shop, changing its name and giving it a new style of bondage.

The sign 'SEX' had been taken down and now it was just a work in progress however Vanity thought it odd Vivienne would do this at such an early stage.

Jordan was on her way to the shop and saw Vanity standing outside of it. "What's happened?" She asked, Vanity shrugged "I don't know." She replied

"Did Vivienne do this?" Jordan asked. Vanity shook her head "I don't know, but I'm going to find out." She said before turning around, walking to the phone booth outside the shop.

We die together Sid Vicious x OC.  Based On PistolWhere stories live. Discover now