crocodile tears

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Johnny walked Vanity back to her and took her all the way inside to make sure she was safe, not wanting to just dump her there, he made sure she was okay being left alone as thankfully Robbin wasn't home at the time meaning Vanity could have some time to herself, she was quite excited for Johnny to be in her flat as she rarely gets visitors so when he entered she was desperate to give him a tour.

so far she'd shown him the living room and the kitchen, she avoided the bathroom as the mirror was cracked from when Robbin shoved her into it and it still had some blood on it, so last was her and Robbin's bedroom. As Johnny walked through the room he couldn't help but wonder all of the stuff that had happened in here. Vanity was incredibly excited to show him all of her stuff. Johnny liked nosing around as he was a very inquisitive person.

which is why when he looked where her bed was and saw something silver and shiny glimmer from out of the purple bedsheets, it took his imagination completely running wild. as Vanity was rambling about her posters and some new records she got, he went straight for the silver like a magpie, moving the piece of blanket which was covering the rest of it he saw that it was a needle, he squinted out of curiosity.

Once Vanity noticed he wasn't listening to a word she had said, she turned her head to see what he was so distracted by, once she did her face went pale white, she didn't want to give Johnny anymore reason to hate her "what's this i wonder?" he asked in an obvious tone. Vanity was quick to form an excuse "oh that's Robbin's he forgets to throw em away sometimes" she played it off, Johnny knew she was shooting up, it was incredibly obvious by the scabs which were growing on her arms.

Not wanting to do anything to upset her he decided to leave it "well i suppose you could do with giving Robbin some hygiene lessons" he said before putting it back on the bed, Vanity gave him a light smile before continuing to tell him about her posters, once she'd turned her back Johnny picked up the needle again and quickly snapped off the end placing it back on the bed.

once vanity had got through all 1000 of her posters Johnny said he had to go, however not before he invited her to their first proper gig. she accepted with a smile and said goodbye. Johnny stepped out of the flat and stopped for a moment to think, he took the snapped off needle end and rolled it around in his palm a little.

He may not know Vanity that well but he also knows Vanity wouldn't touch a drug like that at lest not to her own will. that only leaves one explanation....Robbin. He scrunched his face angrily as he threw the needle end on the floor, shaking his head.

what a disgusting man he thought as he stuffed his hands in his pockets and began to walk home. Vanity had managed to shower and tidy the flat a little to distract herself from what had just happened, it completely slipped her mind that there might've been needles around the house, it was all Robbins fault. Vanity always made sure to throw them away, Robbin however was quite unhygienic when it came to things like that, she wondered if he'd left it on the bed so he could use it later. If so he wouldn't be very happy it had been thrown away.

As she sat there and listened to the clock ticking by second by second, minuet by minuet all she could hope was that Robbin wouldn't notice or wouldn't care his needle had been thrown away....oh how she underestimates him.

Eventually he did get home, saying a quick hello to Vanity before he went to shower. Vanity was quite hurt that he'd not even bothered to ask if she was okay or what happened to her last night. Johnny's words began to run through her mind. Does he even Care?

Does he? She thought to herself, it was as if he hadn't noticed she'd been gone. Once he was out of the shower he came into the living room, sitting himself down In front of the TV.

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