no time at the sea side

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The Pistols had been on tour now for half the month, Barnsley. Pontefract and Whitby. Malcolm as Johnny put it, had sent them on a tour around 'England's biggest twatholes' he wasn't entirely wrong, he'd sent Vanity over to Whitby to check on them due to the fact they had been on their own with only Boogie the Van driver to host them around.

As she entered she heard a songs playing downstairs. It was around 8 o'clock that's normally when people began to get their groove on in Whitby.

After having a nose around upstairs she walked down the big stairs of the hotel she tried to find her way around to where the Pistols were. "Scuse me love, do you know where the Pistols are?" She asked, the woman who's name tag read 'Bernadette' nodded and pointed to the Ball Room "just through the hall and through that big archway you'll find em there" she smiled as Vanity nodded her head and thanked her before walking down the hall and peaking her head around the doorway.

She saw the room full of men and women in colourful clothes and flared trousers dancing to Boogie Night on the dance floor which was lighting up pink yellow and blue.

As her eyes wandered it didn't take long for her to noticed the four punks stuffing their faces on a table quite far away however they were sat quite near some pensioners who had disgusted looks on their faces.

She smiled walking up to them quickly as Steve noticed her walking he squinted his eyes to look more closely at her "Vanity! Oi! What you doing here?" He asked however had a huge toothy grin on his face.

"Malcolm sent me down here to check on you all. I'm staying for tonight then I'm leaving in the morning to report back" she giggled as he hugged her. Sitting back down, wrapping an arm around her waist pulling her down to sit on his lap.

Vanity brought a hand up to his head, running her fingers through his hair lightly scratching at his scalp. "Well it's nice to see you Vanity...How's Sid?" Johnny asked her, "he's fine, we've gotten quite close over the past couple of weeks." She smirked as Steve playfully kissed her upper chest "oh but I'm so much more fun" he said however she playfully shoved him away.

He slid his hand down to her ass however she lightly tapped it away, he enjoyed taking the piss with Vanity, they always flirted and they both found it funny. Steve found Vanity incredibly attractive however he knew she'd never go for him, a quick fuck maybe however like him she wasn't ready for the commitment to be in a relationship with someone like him, he's too much of a sex freak to even consider being in one.

Vanity had turned her attention onto Sid, Sidney was fun, Sidney was alive, Sidney was sweet, Sidney always made Vanity feel special.
And that is what made her always want to be with him, they weren't anything romantic, both of them continued to kid themselves on by convincing themselves they don't have feelings for each other.

Maybe for now it was an innocent little crush they both had. Before they went on tour Johnny noticed how they became closer day by made him sick.

"You're on" a guy came up to the table and pointed to the stage. The guys began to get up and Vanity went and stood in the sidelines watching as the boys stood up on the stage and began to set up their gear.

"Hello Whitby or Shitby wherever we are! You wanna hear some real music!" He said before they began to play incredibly loud.

The people began to cringe at the obscene music which blared from the speakers. They began to exit the dance floor however one man stood straight in the middle, he began to danc,ever, replicating moves which Johnny would do.

Suddenly Bernadette began to shout to the boys to stop, however John just kept singing, Bernadette ran from the dance floor. Coming back a few minutes later in a completely new punk outfit with thick eyeliner and pink lipstick.

We die together Sid Vicious x OC.  Based On PistolWhere stories live. Discover now