Fun fair

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It had been a peaceful week for Vanity to say the least, she'd been at work with no hassle from Robbin and no bother from anyone who knew him. Vivienne and Chrissy had noticed Vanity's change in behaviour, she was more lively and happy.

She wasn't constantly paranoid that Robbin was going to burst into the shop demanding her return, her and Chrissy went clubbing on Tuesday and it was amazing for once she felt free and like she could do and say anything as his looming figure wasn't watching over her guarding her every move.

At home it was peaceful, however it soon became clear Vanity's peace could not last, currently it was Wednesday night, Vanity was sat in her apartment watching some stupid Romcom on the TV, at first it seemed calm she was laid on the sofa with a cup of tea in hand and the rain lightly tapped on the window.

Suddenly something near the door fell. Vanity reluctantly got up from the sofa poking her head around the corridor, nothing was there accept a little brown envelope on her doormat.
It was around eight o'clock at night so clearly it wasn't the postman, slowly she moved toward the door.

Bending down she picked up the envelope something was inside, it didn't feel like a letter however it wasn't thick enough for anything else.

In the moment she didn't really care of the outcome it was only an envelope

Vanity tore the top of the paper off, looking inside her eyebrows knitted together in confusion what the hell?
She reached her fingers inside only to pull out a small plastic bag.
Upon looking closer she saw there was brown powder inside of it along with two clean needles, if she wasn't confused then she definitely was now, taking another look into the envelope she saw a white piece of folded up paper.

Vanity held the plastic bag between her fingers as she pulled of the paper, unfolding it she saw there was some writing which looked quite scruffy.
Hey Vanity
I feel bad for how I spoke to you in the pub last week, hope this makes up for it
Your favorite dealer Mickey.           

Whatever Vanity was expecting it definitely wasn't this quickly she threw the bag onto the sofa and ran out of the door to her apartment, quickly dashing down the stairs as she lived on the third floor, if Mickey was on drugs it would've taken him around five minutes to get out of the building.

Quickly she got to the ground floor, running out of the building immediately feeling the wet splashes of the rain dash on her face there was no one, it was just an empty car park, slowly she dragged herself back up the stairs to her apartment.

Vanity took the bag of powder and needles, throwing them onto the kitchen table, throwing herself into the chair she stared at the bag intensely,  her heart beat picking up with every second.

why would he leave her that? why when Robbin's gone?

honestly she didn't even know if she was going to use it her mind was too boggled to even think straight, she hadn't used in almost two weeks now, she promised herself it was the last time.

Vanity had stared at the bag for around twenty minuets however she was startled when the phone began to ring, she ignored it for a few seconds however the sound was too much for her now aching head.

Vanity got up striding to the phone before placing it next to her ear "hello" she said annoyed "hello? Vanity is that you?" a concerned voice spoke through the receiver immediately Vanity knew who it was "Sid? how'd you get my number?" she asked not that she was disappointed to hear his voice, in fact she was oddly happy.

"oh well I asked Chrissy for it and she gave it to me I hope you don't mind"  he stuttered however Vanity giggled at his blubbering "No, no its fine, what do you need?" she asked.

"well there's a fair going on this Friday and I was wondering if you'd wanna come with me?" he asked sweetly, silently fearing the instant rejection however that didn't come. Instead a blush arose to Vanity's cheeks and she smiled "I suppose I could go, is anyone else gonna be there?" I asked however secretly hoped it would just be me and him.

"Well Steve and Paul apparently, I asked Johnny if he was but he said he didn't wanna go like, some of the girls are gonna be there too" shit! "But I thought like we could ditch and just have a bit of fun ourselves" he finished, I smiled even though I knew he couldn't see however I was glad he'd said that.
Though a second it hit me, Robbin I knew he wouldn't be too happy if he found out. I began to question myself, why was I feeling like this? I'm with Robbin for god sake and I'm happy....happy

"Well I think that sounds good Sid, I'll see you there Friday then?" I asked to confirm, "yeah sure, I suppose I could pick you up if you want around 7?....I ain't got a car like but I could get the bus to yours and we could walk it?" He sounded a little nervous so I just giggled down the phone and nodded "yeah Sid that'll be fine" he let out a breathy laugh "alright then, Friday"
"Friday" I agree before saying goodbye.

This was going to be eventful

We die together Sid Vicious x OC.  Based On PistolWhere stories live. Discover now