Get rid

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Sid had taken Vanity back to her flat, she'd changed out of the dress into a t-shirt and some shorts with a pair of socks.

Sid was in the kitchen rooting through her cupboards trying to find something which would make her feel even a little bit better. He'd found the glasses and managed not to break any before filling it up with some water, picking some pain relief tablets as she had a headache and some chocolate chip cookies which he'd found in her pantry.

Walking into the living room he saw her peering out of the window at something "what you gorping at? There ain't anything out there darling" he said handing her, her water.

She nodded, moving the curtain more so she could have a clearer view of outside "I know, I'm just looking that's all" she said. In reality she was looking for Robbin, wondering if the boys were even still alive, if Robbin had killed them all.

How she seriously underestimated them. "He won't be coming back here, no way" he said untwisting the knot Vanity had put on the packet of biscuits before sitting down.

He shoved one in his mouth, munching on it as Vanity watched with an amused expression, Sid noticed and held the packet to her "sorry umm, do you want one?" He asked, his voice muffled slightly due to his mouth being stuffed with the biscuits. feeling bad for just stuffing his face however Vanity couldn't care less, she found it quite funny actually.

"I'm alright Sid, you have em." She smiled, he grinned taking another one out of the packet. "Mi mum used to buy me these all the time when I was 11" he said with a smile however deep down feeling sad recalling a time when his mum cared about him a bit more.

Vanity smiled however huffed a little due to her anxiety creeping up on her again, she glanced to the window. "He's not coming, John will have taken care of it" he said putting his head back on the sofa.

Quickly Vanity looked at him just admiring him, he looked so sweet, her attention was grabbed when she heard something outside. It made quite a loud clatter, it was more than likely a cat Knocking over one of the metal bins, they do that often when they jump from them.

However in Vanity's mind, that sound was Robbin clawing his way back from the club. Quickly she looked out of the window, closing the curtains and bringing her knees up to her chest with a frightened look in her eyes.

Sid noticed perking his head up, he moved the curtain and looked out of the window. there was nothing there apart from the silhouette of a cat running across the car park. he shook his head before looking at Vanity softly "there ain't no one out there Van." he said before opening his arms out as he saw how scared she was. "come here" he said, she complied. shuffling herself over to him, leaning her head on his chest as he rested his chin on the crown of her head.

"what if he comes back? he'll hurt me again Sid he will" she cried a little as her voice shook. "Vanity nothing bad is gonna happen, look I'm gonna take care of you now." he said kissing her head gently, she looked up at him with watery eyes. "you'll take care of me? you'll keep me safe from him? you will won't you?" she asked, Sid nodded and squeezed his arm around her a bit tighter "of course" he assured her. "but what if he comes back tomorrow? he's bound to all of his stuff is here. his clothes, his guitar and his amps. oh god he'll be coming back for them" she panicked, Sid however thought of an idea. she laid her head back on his chest and looked up at him. "well, how about me and you get all of his stuff, clothes from the wardrobe and drawers, his guitar...and thrown them all out over the balcony?" he suggested, Vanity furrowed her brows, "really? what about the amps?" she asked, Sid shook his head "not the amps, we'll give them to the band. better than em going to waste eh?" he said "you up for it?" he asked, Vanity pretended to think about it for a second before agreeing with a smile "i'll show you the wardrobe" she said before standing up and dragging him to the bedroom where they then pulled out all of Robbin's clothes throwing them on the floor. "i wonder what the boys are doing" Vanity thought to herself.......

At the club 

the boys had officially beaten Robbin to a pulp. the supposed biggest, toughest guy in London was laid on the floor of the alleyway spark out blood pouring from his nose and his face swelling slightly already from the bruising. Steve lit a cigarette as all four of them gathered around Robbin a moment of silence passed by them before Steve spoke up "what're we gonna do with him then?" he asked. "well we umm...i don't know" Glen said. Paul and Steve shared a look before Steve shrugged "we can't leave him here can we?" Steve asked, "or we could put him in a box and bury him..." he said again realizing no one was going to say anything. 

"he's not dead...just not conscious" Paul said as he nudged Robbin's limp figure a little with his foot. Johnny was thinking of ways they could hide or get rid of him however it was cut short when something caught his eye. a big green skip at the end of the alley, the black lid was lifted up and propped onto the brick wall. 

"lads! i think we've found our a place to put our rubbish" he said tipping his head to the bin. Steve began to smile as he nodded. "right Paul you grab his arm, John, Glen, you grab his legs" Steve said before sticking the cig between his lips and grabbing Robbin's left arm, Paul grabbing the right. they all carried him  to the bin "right on three" Steve said before they began to swing him. 




they tossed his body to the bin and it hit the side of it before falling in, Steve cringed as the way Robbin's body hit the side of it was enough to make anyone flinch in pain. "right let's go" Paul said as they all began to walk away however Steve stayed behind "I'll catch up in a minuet." he said as they all nodded and walked away. 

Steve stood for a second, puffing on his cigarette a few times before walking toward the bin. he looked inside, stubbing the cig out on the side of the bin before looking down at Robbin with a disgusted face. "you dirty fucker" he said before throwing the tab end into the bin and slamming the lid shut 

A/N HEYYYYY so this is the refreshed chapter i'm so much happier with it and honestly it's amazing like i can't even say how proud i am of it. please let me know what you think of it and vote because it really helps. thank you everyone love you all 

We die together Sid Vicious x OC.  Based On PistolWhere stories live. Discover now