Rotten again

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whistling, the loud sound of whistling caused sharp pains to shoot through her head like bullets. just the mere attempt to open her eyes caused a dull ache at the front of her head. once she was finally able to adjust to the bright light which surrounded her she noticed she was on a sofa. Not being able to remember hardly anything from the night before, she could only imagine she went to a party and crashed on the sofa.

looking up she saw completely unfamiliar surroundings, the chair she was sat on was a dark red velvet sofa, with yellow checked cushions, in front of her was a coffee table along with a few cups and cans of beers on the top along with an ashtray and some stubbed cigarettes in it.

"you're up then?" a voice said, Vanity turned around to be met with Johnny, immediately she was confused. her brows furrowed and she once again met with the searing headache pain, pinching the bridge of her nose. Johnny sighed and rolled his eyes, walking over to Vanity, placing a cup of tea in front of her.

"my head is killing me" she groaned, Johnny had no sympathy for the headache, "that'll be the hangover, and the obscene amount of drugs you stuffed down your throat!"he raised his voice at her, she put her hands up, telling him to keep his voice down, due to her lifting her arms Johnny could clearly see the scabs that had formed on her arm where she'd been injected.

"and by the looks of your arm I can guess you've been doing more than popping pills" he snarled, Vanity covered her arm with her free hand, she was annoyed at Johnny for just assuming she was shooting up....even though she was.

"how did you know where I was? are you stalking me or something?" she asked, hoping to get off the topic of drugs, "never mind how I found ya, more like you should be glad i found ya, you looked like you was having a fit, your lips went blue you were so cold be thankful I had the decency to bring you home." he explained, holding the steaming mug in his hands, waiting for Vanity to take it from him.

she hesitated like a scared mouse. "go on, drink ya tea" he said handing her the cup, she took a sip thankful Johnny hadn't sugared it as she hated sugar in her tea. too sweet!

it was very rare Johnny openly displayed that he cared for someone, he tried to hide it however he couldn't help the growing concern he felt for Vanity. he watched as she took sips from it every now and then, happy she finally had something warm. when he found her last night it was more than worry, it was fear. she was shaking and her lips had gone a dark blue shade which caused him to panic.

thankfully he managed to get her back to his house and he let her crash on the sofa so he could keep an eye on her, wrapping her up with blankets and a duvet. he stayed up most of the night watching over her to make sure she didn't shake or she wasn't too cold.

he leant forward to talk to her "what happened to you last night?" he asked her gently not wanting to alarm her. she scrunched her brows as she tried to remember what happened last night, Johnny was patient as he allowed her to recollect her thoughts at her own pace, sure enough she began to remember little things that had happened the previous night.

"well Steve and Robbin got into a fight and Steve punched Robbin and he took me to a party and we had some pills" she said, Johnny looked at her knowing she wasn't being truthful, but she didn't tell him what other drugs they did....he didn't need to know that.

"then Robbin passed out and well I hung around with some of his mates, I think the main one was called Jevin or wait no Jevon." she corrected herself. Johnny felt an anger rise in his chest. "I might've guessed he would have something to do with it does he even know where you are?" he asked, Vanity looked up shamefully shaking her head. "does he even care?" he asked, hoping Robbin had even a shred of decency to care enough about her to wonder where she is.

Vanity didn't want to answer as she felt like deep down both of them knew the answer to that, however she wasn't gonna let people talk bad about him "what are you trying to say? that he doesn't give a shit about me?" she asked angrily as her eyes began to burn a little with tears, it seemed like lately all she'd been doing was crying, because most of the time she was angry.

"I'm just stating the facts Vanity, I mean what do you think he's doing now? cause I can guarantee you it not what you're thinking" he stated angrily, she hoped he'd just shut up about it she knew he couldn't care less. He was probably drugged laying sprawled out on their bed, or still in that trap house. A moment of silence passed, he noticed she still had half a cup of tea left. Johnny pointed to her cup "do you wanna biscuit with that?" he asked her a bit awkwardly, Vanity however found it quite funny so she giggled and nodded her head.

Johnny made his way into the kitchen and grabbed his biscuit tin, once he took it back in to her she gave him another light-hearted smile. "you'll have to do with digestives I'm afraid" he said opening the tin, she took one as did Johnny.

"you know, I don't like you all that much, but you make a great babysitter" she laughed, Johnny cracked a grin. "well I have experience" he smiled. "how'd ya mean?" she asked,his smile faltered a little however that didn't stop him from telling her "well my mum used to get really ill, I mean she still does sometimes so when she was sick I'd take care of my younger brothers" he admitted. "aww so there is a heart in that body of yours after all" she giggled as he playfully pushed her.

"will he be home?" Johnny asked, Vanity wasn't sure of the answer to that so she just shrugged her shoulders. "come on, finish ya biscuit and I'll take you back to your palace." he said walking into the kitchen taking the biscuits back.

hopefully Robbin wouldn't be home just yet giving her plenty of time to sort herself out.

A/N: heyyy guys let me know what you think of this chapter, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. something rly cute happens next chapter i'll write when i can probs tomorrow but other than that what do you think of Johnny's relationship with Vanity, it's kinda a love hate relationship but there's lots of ups and downs.

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