The look of regret

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it had been a while since chrissy came, Vanity had done nothing but cry, she would've done it all night too if she hadn't have looked at the clock and saw Sid would be coming soon. quickly she showered, got dressed and did her hair and makeup, Vanity wore a leather skirt, a white short sleeved shirt which said "Vive le rock" her brown chocolate hair was hanging lazily over her shoulders in loose beach waves. 

her lipstick was a dark red, along with a deep shade of brown eyeshadow, she spritzed her perfume before sitting down on the sofa, still trying not to cry after the events of yesterday, suddenly she felt her eyes welling up, quickly she grabbed a tissue and placed it under her waterline, instantly the tears were soaked up, managing to hold herself back from tearing up again. 

she walked over to the mirror in her living room to make sure her eyes weren't red, however before she had time to look a loud knock was heard at the door, "oh god" she huffed annoyed as she couldn't check if they were red, quickly she put her some small heals on and walked to the door, quickly wafting her hands in front of her face to get rid of some of the dampness, taking a deep breath before opening the door. 

there Sidney stood immediately Vanity noticed Sid's shirt, it was the same as hers just black with white writing which had the same design as Vanity's did, he was wearing acid wash blue jeans which had a large hole ripped in both the knees along with his tatty converse. he had his hair neatly quiffed back as usual, he smiled a toothy grin. "hey Vanity" he smiled. 

"hey Sid" she greeted him back, his smile faltered a little. "are you alright?" he asked, she furrowed her brows still with a smile on her face, "yeah i'm great why?"

"your eyes are a bit red, have you been crying?" he asked, seemingly worried about her, she let out a breathy laugh and shook her head "what? no i'm fine my eyes are just a little irritated" she lightly scratched the corner of her eye quickly, Sid looked her up and down, admiring every inch of her. "you look very nice Vanity" he smiled softly at her she quirked a brow and smirked "you don't look too bad yourself Mr Vicious" she stepped out of her apartment closing the door, she didn't lock it however, because she couldn't, Robbin had slammed the door so many times that the lock didn't even work anymore and they haven't bothered getting it fixed. "are we off then?" she asked, he smiled and nodded " yeah come on" 

Sid had been nervous this whole time, before he arrived when he was getting ready at home he'd showered for almost 30 minutes, he wanted to pick out an outfit which would shine out, he did and redid his hair about 10 times before just going back to the same style of quiffing his hair. also spraying himself with aftershave however the cigarettes he'd smoked on the way there overpowered it.

they began to walk out of her apartment building, finally on the path to the fair, "your shirt's nice, look it matches mine" he pulled out the bottom of his shirt to show it to her, giggling in a very child-like way, it almost made Vanity's heart flutter at how sweet he was. "thanks, I like your jacket" she complimented him, referring to the leather jacket he was wearing

He let out a playful giggle "Cheers I nicked it" he said proudly. Vanity smiled "now that doesn't surprise me" she let her fingers brush over the safety pins as they walked "so did the safety pins come with the jacket or were they part of Sidney's magic touch?" She asked, Sid looked at his safety pins seeming pretty happy about them "you would be correct they are something I added myself."

"They're really cool" she said, "yeah I like em. Gives it edge dun' it?" he laughed, as they got closer to the fair they could hear the music of old 50's and 60's rock n roll songs. the bright lights all in red, blue, orange and yellow's, Sid became Very excited as they picked up the pace to get there quicker. "i love fun fairs, my mum used to take me to em when she wasn't out like, did you got to fairs Vanity?" he asked, she laughed and shook her head slightly " no, i mean my brother took me to a few but i wasn't that bothered about them" she admitted, Sid made a playfully hurt face "how could you not be bothered about them, there's rides and games and so many fun prizes to win Van!" he shouted whilst they walked into the entrance to the fair. 

We die together Sid Vicious x OC.  Based On PistolWhere stories live. Discover now