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Liam, Luce, Ruby, Luke, Vida, and Chubs rented a cabin for the weekend. The twins' mother came, along with Ruby's parents to supervise the teens. Cole was also invited but he didn't want to go, and Zu couldn't go due to already having something planned.

Ruby's parents went to sleep and the twins' mom was in the kitchen on her laptop. The others were in the living room watching the Fast and Furious movies.

"The physics in these movies don't add up," Chubs said.

Vida snorted. "When have they ever?"

"I still say they should have ended the franchise on the seventh movie." Ruby shrugged. "It just felt right too."

"At least they're nodding Brian's character," Luke added. "Dom did name his kid after him."


"I get it," Liam said, "but I also remember Vin Diesel said he wanted to go up to Fast Ten. And they're already going to release the ninth one."

"And there's a rumor that the tenth movie could be split into two parts, making it part one and part two," Luce added.

"So...eleven Fast and Furious movies?" Chubs raised a brow.

"Technically...yes." Luce chuckled as she grabbed some popcorn from Liam's bowl.

"I expect a Marvel or DC crossover at this point," Chubs said. "Like imagine they go underwater and need Aquaman's help. Or they go into space and meet Captain Marvel."

"What if they stay on the streets and meet the second Ratcatcher?" Luce asked. "Or they end up in Gotham City and come across the Titans?"

"Hawk and Dove to be more specific," Liam added.

Vida groaned. "Now I want a crossover. Make it happen, Vinny!" She was going to throw popcorn at the TV when she noticed the bowl was empty. She looked at Chubs to see him sheepishly smile.

"Nah, I wanna see a crossover between them and Transformers," Luke said, earning a bunch of agreements from the others. "I'd pay to see that."

Eventually, their movie marathon ended and they all headed to bed. Ruby and Vida shared a room while Luke and Chubs shared another. Luce and Liam were able to share a room, but they had to sleep separately. After coming to an agreement, and Liam being a gentleman, Luce had the bed while Liam had the pullout one.

Liam was struggling to sleep and ended up wide awake at around three in the morning. He tried to see if Luce was awake, but she only threw a pillow at him and told him to try and go to sleep.

Sighing, he grabbed his phone and went to the bathroom. Let's see if his brother was awake...

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