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Iodine. Lutetium. Vanadium. Iodine.
76 Retweets | 125 Likes

Luke Rome @yourlight
In other words: I LuV VI

Chubs @thatonesmartass
@yourlight bro!

Cole Stewart @playingwithfire
@thatonesmartass dude, you were basically asking for it

Luce Rome @prettyinpurple
^ for someone who's called a smartass, you sure are a dumbass

Ruby Daly @rubytuesday
@prettyinpurple right? 😂

Luce Rome @prettyinpurple
@electricmfblue come get your man

Chubs @thatonesmartass
@boyscout come get your girl

Liam Stewart @boyscout
@thatonesmartass @prettyinpurple ...why did I get pulled in this way?

Vida @electricmfblue
@boyscout I'll answer that!

Chubs @thatonesmartass
@electricmfblue No!

Liam Stewart @boyscout
@electricmfblue please

Vida @electricmfblue
@boyscout because he's a dumbass

Zu @yellowbrickroad
shots fired

Chubs @thatonesmartass
@yellowbrickroad Zu! The adults are talking

Zu @yellowbrickroad
@thatonesmartass then don't put it on social media

Vida @electricmfblue
^ and I oop-

Luce Rome @prettyinpurple

Luce Rome @prettyinpurple

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