PURPLE Alternate Ending - Thirty-Three

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When they got to the cabin, Chubs was already there, propped up on his bed reading. He took one look at the two girls and snapped his book shut. "What in the world happened?"

"We're leaving," Luce told him. "I'm gonna go get my brother." After that, she left to go to the cabin her brother was in.

"Get your things," Ruby told him. When he stared instead of moved, she yelled, "What are you staring at? Move!"

He jumped down off the bed. "Are you okay?" He asked. "What's going on?"

She had just finished telling him everything that had happened when Liam came bursting in.

"Where's Luce?" He asked as he looked around.

"She's getting her brother," Ruby reassured him.

He nodded. "I got worried when I couldn't find you," he told Chubs. "Are you ready?"

When all three were set and ready, they eventually met up with the other two. All together made five with Liam being the leader with his weapon.

The smell of smoke from the fire pit followed them down the main trail longer than the light or voices from it. Chubs looked back and he wanted to ask what they would do next, but Liam hushed them and started down a side trail that the others weren't familiar with.

It was well-worn and narrow enough that they had to walk single file. Liam was at the front while Luce was behind him, then Ruby, then Chubs, then Luke. The trail grew darker the farther they walked into the thick layers of the trees.

And then they were out.

And then there was light.

The light was so bright, some of them had to put a hand over their eyes. It was only for a moment until their eyes adjusted. Halfway through, Liam tensed and stopped. He put a hand out for the others to stop, but in a protective way.

"Look who's here," a man said as the others aimed their weapons at them. "Our little fugitive."

Liam was the first one to use his ability. He flung his arm out, causing the PSF to fly back and have his back smack whatever was behind him. "Get out of here," he told the others, but before any movement could be made by them, he dropped his weapon.

"Liam," Luce called as she got ahold of his arm. He looked like he was in some sort of daze. Chubs started to worry as he grabbed his other arm. "Liam, come on," she said as she and Chubs tried to drag him.

"He can't hear you, Luce."

The sound of his voice caused all heads to snap where it came from. His voice was the last thing they wanted to hear.

"Clancy?" Ruby asked as he walked closer to the two so they could see him.

"He's with them," Luke said, his eyes purple as he figured out the unexpected puzzle.

"Oh, shit!" Chubs said as he looked around. "They're rounding us up."

"Get up, you asshole," Clancy told the PSF.

He struggled as he got up, but he managed to say, "Yes, sir," while at it.

"We got kids to round up," Clancy said. "Lots of new recruits for my army. Call the birds."

Chubs went to Luce, "Luce, we gotta go." He went to get Ruby, who was frozen due to shock. "We gotta go, Ruby."

"Already en route, sir," the PSF told him.

"I liked you, Ruby," Clancy told her. "I really did. So believe me when I say I am broken up about this."

"Don't believe him," Luke whispered to her.

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