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After it was planned, Luce went over to Ruby's house. When she got there, it was decided for the two to go for a walk because it wasn't that bad outside and they could use some fresh air.

"Okay, not to talk about school but I want the semester to be over already," Ruby said.

Luce chuckled. "We're almost there, chica."

"Easy for you to say," Ruby said with a snort. "You're a senior. You leave school before me. I'm a junior and I still have to stay for who-knows-how-long."

She scoffed. "Hey, I was in the same spot as you last year so I don't want to hear it. I can stay in school for longer... Well, I kind of am."

Ruby raised a brow as she turned to look at her. "Why? Don't tell me you need to make up classes because, no offense, I don't think you'll make it."

"Damn," Luce said with a small laugh as she held her arms up. "The support I have from you. Ugh, crazy."

Ruby rolled her eyes and shook her head, a small smile formed on her lips. "Hey, I'm just saying."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," she waved her off. "And for the record, I'm not making up any classes. I'm staying an extra day for teacher turnabout."

Teacher turnabout is basically where seniors get to ask their favorite teacher to help them out for the day. Usually, it's before the last day of school, but because they decided to mess up this year for the seniors by not being organized, it was moved to the day after their last day.

"Who are you going to ask?" Ruby asked. "Or did you already have someone?"

"Your math teacher-"


Luce laughed at her irritated expression. She knew she didn't like the teacher and she picked her for that reason, although when she was in that class the previous year she didn't have any problems.

"Hey, I'm there to keep you sane, okay? And I expect good behavior that day."

Ruby snorted. "Yeah, okay. Whatever you say, mom."

Luce pulled her phone out of her pocket and checked the time. "Hey, wanna take a picture?"

Ruby shrugged. "Sure. Smiley or serious?"

"What's the mood this time?" She asked as she had the camera on selfie mode and had it faced them.


"Your wish is my command," she said with a small smile before she turned serious.

When the timing was perfect, the picture was taken. Sometimes they would take more than one to get the perfect shot, but this wasn't one of those times.

"Can you send it to me?" Ruby asked. "I want to put it in the album."

"Yeah," she said before she sent it to her by text.

Ruby had a photo album on her phone dedicated to her friends. It's an album she cherishes and has no plans of ever deleting. It contained photos of her with her friends, whether she took them or they did and sent her the images.

"I'm gonna post it," Luce said as she went on Instagram. For the caption, she tagged Ruby and wrote: we cute

"Aaaannnndddd..... She has been posted."

"Great," Ruby said with a smile before she turned serious. "Now let's hurry back because I'm hungry."

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