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yellowbrickroad It's a scary story type of night

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thatonesmartass and sci-fi doesn't count
yellowbrickroad exactly!
prettyinpurple who we shadin'?
electricmfblue @prettyinpurple always here for the bullshit
prettyinpurple @electricmfblue it's what keeps me going 🤭
yellowbrickroad @prettyinpurple this kid in my class got scared listening to a sci-fi story and he considered it to be a scary story
prettyinpurple @yellowbrickroad I mean, if it's scary then it's scary
boyscout what she said ^
thatonesmartass @prettyinpurple if it was romantic would you also consider it to be a scary story?
prettyinpurple @thatonesmartass if it was scary as hell then yeah
yourlight you mean like that movie on Hulu? @thatonesmartass
prettyinpurple @yourlight you mean Fresh??!?
boyscout no! Do not mention that movie! @prettyinpurple
prettyinpurple @boyscout HAHAHAHA
yellowbrickroad welp, don't mind me now. I'm just gonna eat popcorn and watch the comment section blow up
rubytuesday @yellowbrickroad seems just about right

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