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The season: winter.

Earlier in the day, Liam and Luce went out to eat at one of their favorite restaurants that serves pizza and pasta. Liam had the personal-sized pizza while Luce had the chicken alfredo.

After finishing and paying, Luce said she was going to the bathroom and she'll meet him by the door. He gave her an okay before finding himself where the gumball machines were. Each machine contained different items like candy, gum, temporary tattoos, and fake jewelry.

Spotting the one with fake jewelry, Liam took out some quarters and inserted them into the machine. He hoped he would get the one he wanted. When the plastic container came out, he grabbed it and quickly opened it. He smiled when he saw a purple ring. He put it in his pocket when he saw Luce.

"Ready?" He asked her and she nodded.

For the rest of the day, they were inside watching holiday movies.

"I'll be back," Liam said as he went to his jacket to retrieve the purple ring. When he brought it back, he held it in front of her.

She looked at it confused, yet with a small smile, before taking it. She opened it and saw the purple ring. She snorted. "Are you trying to tell me something?" She asked as she pulled it out.

"Yeah, it's not an engagement or promise ring but it can be later on, darlin'."

At his sentence, she couldn't help but let out a small laugh before smirking. She put the ring on and looked at him. "I sure hope so, honey."

He grabbed her hand that had the ring and kissed it. "Can we please go back outside—"

Without letting him finish what he was saying, she jumped off the sofa, "I'll go get my coat."

He laughed at her excitement. He turned off the TV and went to grab his. They met at the door and walked out to a front lawn covered in snow.

The snow wasn't soft compared to earlier, but it wasn't hard or crunchy either. It was stiff enough to make a few snowballs and even a small snowman. While some might think it's weird to be outside playing in the snow at night, they didn't. They found it to be just as fun as the daytime, maybe even a bit more fun.

"How much you wanna bet we can make furniture?" Luce asked as she started to attempt to build a seat.

"You're on."

The two were gathering snow and patting it, building up the chair. It took a few attempts as the back would crack and crumble a bit, but they managed to make a makeshift single-person seat.

Luce sat down on it and posed as Liam took a picture.

Completely forgetting about the ring in view, it was captioned and posted on her Instagram without a second thought. It wasn't until her phone started blowing up when they were back inside that she realized it.

"They keep talking about the freaking riiiiing," Luce said, her eyes glued on her screen as comment after comment was posted.

Liam snorted. "If they're like this now, wait until later."

Luce scoffed. "Can we elope then?"

If he was drinking something, he would have either choked or done a spit take. But because he wasn't, he only choked on air...a special skill to have.

She couldn't help but laugh at his reaction. "Cálmate, cálmate." She patted his back to calm down. "I was only kidding...unless you want to."

When he looked at her, she smiled innocently.

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