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It was almost December when Christmas sales started going live. Ruby was looking at a few things she could add to her Christmas list when she looked at the list for her friends. It was blank.

When it came to their gifts this year, she knew she had to put more thought into it this time because she didn't want to get something they already had or someone else was going to get. They had a tradition of doing Secret Santa, but she wanted to give everyone a gift, not just the person written on a piece of paper that was pulled from a hat.

She went through her messages and created a new group chat: Ruby Made This. In no group chat that she was in had Clancy in it, at least that she could recall, so she decided to be nice (for once) in making one to add him in, even though she knew it would cause problems. Besides, the kid practically has everything. What the hell would he want for Christmas that he doesn't already have?

Ruby sent the first message: Hey, I'm thinking of doing some early Christmas shopping. Anything you guys specifically want?

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