PURPLE Alternate Ending - Thirty-Eight

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When Ruby's eyes opened, she started to panic. She sat up and saw Cate sitting on a chair at the end of the bed and Rob leaning against a corner of a wall.

"It's good to see you again," she told her, sounding like she meant it. She saw the panicked look on her face, which made her say, "Ruby, you're safe here. The League owns this house. And we use it when things get complicated. Chubs is in the hospital. He's in pretty bad shape, so if he has any chance of making it...he'll get it there."

"Don't call him Chubs," she told her. "You haven't earned that."

"Charles," she corrected herself. "When he can have visitors, you'll see him." She saw her looking around and she knew why. "You're wondering where Liam, Lucinda, and Lucas are."

"You have to let them all go."

"I can't do that."

"Liam's not a killer, neither are Luce or Luke. You can't make them into one." At this point, she was already mad.

"We don't create killers," Rob corrected her.

"I don't know what Liam told you about the League, but that is not what we're about," she told her as she shook her head.

"Then what is the League about? Because as far as I can see, you're no better than anyone else."

"We're here to help you," Cate said as she raised her voice. "And expose the camps for what they are, and stop President Gray."

"President Gray and his son are collecting us, just like you are." She didn't need to know what happened to Clancy. She is positive they can figure it out on their own.

"Okay, Cate. Clearly, she doesn't want to be here," he said while going to her.

"Rob, I can handle this," she said as she got up from her seat.

"So, let's make room for someone useful-"

Ruby interrupted him, "Liam is never-"

"Look, kid. In order to survive, we all have to do things that we don't wanna do. Your boyfriend-"

"He is not my boyfriend at all," she immediately corrected him. "He's someone else's."

"And he can help us. I've seen him fling targets like ragdolls."


"At least with us, he's useful. The Purples too." He scoffed, smiling a little. "Can you believe it? Two Purples at the same time. And I thought they were becoming exti-" He froze as he suddenly lost control of his own head.

"Liam is not a killer," Ruby told him.

"Liam is not a killer," he repeated.

"Purples don't exist."

"Purples don't exist."

"And you're an asshole."

"I am an asshole."


He did what he was told and walked out of the room.

Cate obviously saw what happened between the two. She knew she used her Orange ability on him. "Ruby, stop. I am your only friend here. And you could help us do so much good. So, please...stop."

Eventually, her eyes returned to their normal browns. "Let Liam, Luce, and Luke go."

"Liam is a security risk. He knows way too much about us. And the Purples are capable of doing anything and everything they please. Don't you think that's a little dangerous?"

"Take me. And I'll fight alongside you. My one condition is that you let them go."

She was quiet as she thought over the condition. If it was one person, maybe. But all three? That's a lot of people letting go at the same time in exchange for one person.

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