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Liked by rubytuesday and 100 others

prettyinpurple we cute @rubytuesday

View 52 comments

rubytuesday 😉
boyscout excuse me, I thought we were ☹️
prettyinpurple aww hun, we are 😊
rubytuesday @prettyinpurple say sike right now
boyscout 😒🙄
electricmfblue @rubytuesday @boyscout Fight! Fight! Fight!
yourlight my money's on Ruby
electricmfblue @yourlight HAHAHAHA
playingwithfire wholesome picture, not so wholesome comments 😬
electricmfblue aaand @playingwithfire makes an appearance! Damn, thought you died
boyscout @electricmfblue wow, well aren't you a ray full of sunshine
prettyinpurple when your post was supposed to be about you and your buddy but then the comments are about someone else
rubytuesday we just wanted attention 😭
slipkid @rubytuesday I can help with giving attention
prettyinpurple @slipkid leave my Ruby alone and get outta here
slipkid @prettyinpurple I'm blocking you
prettyinpurple @slipkid do it!
boyscout @prettyinpurple we all know he's not going to do anything
yourlight @prettyinpurple @boyscout exactly

Tell me you made the manip on PicsArt without telling me you made the manip on PicsArt.

I'll go first 😃 ^

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