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Clancy went to his room and sat on his computer desk chair. To say today wasn't a good day would be an understatement.

He was always picked on because of his parents. His dad was in politics while his mother was never really around. You would think he'd be used to getting treated for having privilege and all the other shabang, but he's not, no matter how much he says he is.

Twirling back and forth, he went on his phone and opened Twitter. Tapping on the "draft a tweet" button, the typical Twitter question popped up: What's happening?

He sighed. "What is happening, Twitter? Hmm, I'll tell you."

His thumbs moved at a fast pace as they tapped on the letters and space bar on his keypad. When he finished his tweet, he looked it over to make sure there weren't in mistakes before he tweeted.

Right away, he received notifications that his tweet was liked and retweeted. There were a few replies to it, but what stood out were the ones from the people he knew.

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