PURPLE Alternate Ending - Forty

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"Ah!" Chubs started to come toward Ruby, his expression narrow. "You should be resting that leg—"

Luke released his shoulder and grabbed her hand. "Let's go, let's go—"

"What's happening?" She asked glancing into the ballroom as they passed it. Someone was up at the podium making a speech, but the room was otherwise exactly as she'd left it.

"Jail break," Luke said, his eyes bright as the elevator opened and he drew them inside. "Trust me."

Fear released its grip on her throat as they rode the elevator all the way down to the underground garage, Luke bouncing on his heels the entire time. Chubs eyed him warily as they were dragged back out.

Luke and Ruby...what happened to them?

Well, they may have erased each other, but when they reunited things changed. Luce couldn't help but feel responsible as she wanted to leave, but Luke struggled to follow in his sister's footsteps. He and Ruby thought the only solution was to forget each other.

When Ruby came across the trio, things were slow between them. It was like they were meeting each other again for the first time. Even though they were getting to know each other, they couldn't help but feel familiar.

When Luce felt it was time for the truth between them, she pulled them aside and explained all that happened. To help make the blurry images clear, she shared her memories that they had together; the three of them. She also added the conversation she had about Ruby with Luke and about Luke with Ruby. The images became clear after that, but not clear enough.

They left it at that for the time being. Later on, when they became more comfortable with each other, they shared a kiss for the first time again. There, they gained the missing memories they lost to each other. It was like something didn't want them forever forgotten, despite Luce helping them.

After that, they fell for each other all over again and stayed together. Things were starting to get back to how they were with them. Slowly, but comfortably.

Out of the elevator, the three met the others.

Liam freed a set of keys from his pocket and held the black plastic fob up, listening for the sound of the lock. Vida and Zu appeared from behind one of the rows of cars and ran toward the beeping, flashing, dust-splattered SUV with Arizona plates. Luce had an unsure look on her face.

"You are ridiculous," Chubs informed him as he walked toward the car, loosening his tie; but he went anyway, the smallest hint of a smile on his face.

Luce caught Liam's arm, hating the way his expression fell when he saw hers. "What's this about?"

She knew what denial looked like, and this had shades of it—the stubborn unwillingness to acknowledge that something was wrong. Something had overturned inside of him that could never be fully righted.

"It's about..." He ran a hand back through his hair. "It's about how everything will be different going forward. You and Luke would most likely go to Chicago, and I'll go back to North Carolina with mine. And if we want to see each other, I need permission to take the car. I don't think you'll be with your mom, but you and Luke would have to agree on travel plans. We'll be living with a set of rules we haven't had in years, and while there's something a little wonderful in that, I just want this...I want to forget for a little while. Outrun the hurt. This one last time, I just want to go somewhere no one else can find us."

She smiled, shaking her head. "You are something else, I swear."

"I'm adorkable though, right, darlin'?" He winked.

"Very," she said with a kiss on his cheek.

Liam took her to the passenger side and opened the door for her. She thanked him before stepping inside, him closing the door after her.

"Where are we going?" Chubs shouted at him as Liam ran around the back of the car to the driver's-side door.

"Quiet, dear," Vida said mildly, resting a hand on his leg.

"Yes, dear," Chubs grumbled back.

Next to them, Zu beamed.

Luke had helped Ruby in the SUV and they were in the back where she would be most comfortable to stretch her legs, especially with the cast.

Luce was still smiling when Liam buckled himself in and turned to address the group. "Okay, team. Where to? I figure we have about an hour before the conference ends and, for once, we've got gas to burn."

"Is this how you got around before?" Vida wondered aloud. "It is a miracle you dumbasses survived."

"Told you," Chubs mumbled. Luce reached back and smacked his arm. "Fine. Okay. Where does everyone want to go?"

"Beach, beach, beach, beach," Zu chanted.

"Uh, not sure there's one nearby, so we'll have to take a rain check on that one. Anyone else?" Liam asked. "Vote?"

"I don't care," Ruby said, leaning her head back against Luke's shoulder.

Luce looked out the windshield, a distant look on her face. "Can we just get lost and see where that lands us?"

"Darlin', that is the best damn idea I've heard in a long time. You're navigator. Tell me when and where to turn." He turned the keys in the ignition, letting out a "Yes!" as an Allman Brothers song came pouring out of the speakers. By the time they rolled up the ramp and out of the parking garage, even Chubs' groans had turned to laughter.

They drove, winding through the city streets until they found green, tree-lined roads, making their way toward the lazy lines of the river that ran along the curved spine of the city.

Liam glanced over at Luce, taking a break from his off-key crooning. Lit by the warm afternoon sunlight, his fingers entwined with hers over the center console. Zu rocked in time to the music, chattering excitedly about each and every sign they passed. Chubs slid a book out of the backseat pocket in front of him, examining the cover for a moment before flipping it open. His fingers absently tapped the cracked spine to the beat as Vida leaned against his shoulder and closed her eyes. Luke intertwined his fingers with Ruby, who smiled looking at them. She gave his hand a squeeze before closing her eyes.

Luce brought her window down, letting her free hand drift out to catch the wind.

And the open road rolled out in front of them.

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