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Clancy was looking at the boxes piling up in his room while scratching his head. Even though it wasn't spring, he was doing some spring cleaning and found himself to be getting rid of more than what he was meant to be keeping.

"I can't move all this stuff out by myself," he said to himself.

He wasn't home alone, his dad was also around. He was in his study, though, doing who-knows-what. He could ask for his help, but he already knew the answer: no. That, or he would tell him later but it would never come.

He never had a good relationship with his father. And his mother, well, she wasn't around.

He pulled his phone out and unlocked it. Maybe he could ask for help. The thing is he knew he couldn't just ask anyone. He knew for a situation like this it was better to call Luke. The others would say no while Luke was nice enough to give a small "maybe" depending on the situation.

He went through his contacts. When he got to the L's, he tapped on Luke's and called him. When Luke picked up on the third ring, he said, "Luke, do you mind doing me a favor?"

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