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Hell is just a sauna
78 Retweets | 135 Likes

Luke Rome @yourlight
and jail is just a room

Chubs @thatonesmartass
What did you summon this time?!

Liam Stewart @boyscout
@thatonesmartass this time???

Luce Rome @prettyinpurple
@boyscout she summoned Luke just by saying "la lechuga es agua"

Luke Rome @yourlight
@prettyinpurple because it is!

Zu @yellowbrickroad
@prettyinpurple He's been summoned again!

Ruby Daly @rubytuesday
@yellowbrickroad 😂

Liam Stewart @boyscout
@prettyinpurple @yourlight what does that even mean?!

Luke Rome @yourlight
@boyscout the lettuce is water

Vida @electricmfblue
@boyscout I was asking what it meant and then he busted in saying yes 🤦🏽‍♀️

Luke Rome @yourlight
@electricmfblue 💁🏻‍♂️

Cole Stewart @playingwithfire
I question why I'm friends with you guys

Cole Stewart @playingwithfire
@playingwithfire Let me rephrase that: I question why I'm friends with SOME of you guys @yellowbrickroad you're cool

Zu @yellowbrickroad
@playingwithfire 😊

Chubs @thatonesmartass
@playingwithfire totally not offended at all

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