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Luce was in her room looking through random pictures on twitter. She followed a few accounts that were the type to have interesting facts, stories, challenges, things like that.

She came across a photo on her timeline that was a hand and the fingers were bent to form a square. Looking down at her hand, she wondered...

"Well, I am double-jointed after all," she mumbled to herself.

She clicked on the picture so it was bigger and started shaping her fingers the same way as the picture.

She struggled the first time. To break lose, she released her fingers and shook them before cracking them individually, including her thumb.

"Let's try this again," she mumbled to herself. She tends to do that a lot, mumbling to herself. It helped keep her mind at ease.

Now that her fingers were stretched and cracked, they felt relaxed.

The first thing she did was bend her ring finger over her middle finger but tucked it under her index finger. Next, she had her pinky go through the opening her middle finger left. She tucked her thumb underneath and she seemed to have gotten the square hand/fingers.

Looking at her phone, she grabbed it and decided to take a picture. She sent it in the Blue Betty Crew group chat with the caption: Guys, look at what I discovered that I can do!

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