Dreams can hurt

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I just got off the phone with Hannah. Well, this is weird. How did Liam have Hannah's number in the first place. He must have a lot of girls all over him these days. He is mine though, so they better not come after me or anything. I don't know about my decision anymore that I told Hannah. She wasn't very happy with what I said. I told her that me her and our boyfriends should go out on a double date. I don't know why Hannah got all defensive about it. I guess she thinks I'm doing it to rub it in Maggie's face that I'm with Liam. Maybe, it is. Maybe, it isn't. I wanted to tell her more of my plan, but she hung up the phone before I could. I have Liam and she has Louis. Why would she be jealous or hurt by that? Or did she like him? I believe she does. When I texted her she was pretty mad to hear that. No reason to get mad if you have a boyfriend just as good as Liam by your side. I swear these people don't know anything anymore. 

Why am I still awake? It's almost 2 in the morning. I should be asleep in my bed, but I'm up texting and calling idiots who don't know what they are talking about. I wanted so much to just call Maggie and tell her, but that would be even more weird to the situtation. I don't understand why I can't be nice to some people. I guess I never will be. I got on my bed and closed my eyes. I really was done for the day or morning I guess you can say now. I just don't feel like dealing with crap anymore.

Maggie Hasting

I need to sleep, but I just got a mountain dew so I know for sure I will not be able to sleep anytime soon nor will Hannah, but surprisingly that call has spooked her so much that she laid down and is slowly falling asleep. What does that Monica girl have against me? I swear making my friend that scared, thats stupid. I wonder what Monica said, but I wont know until the morning. I really need to sleep today has been an eventfully day and I'm not ready for tomorrow. I wanted to see Louis, I really did. I just want all of this to go away, but I don't think it will. At all. 

I got to my bed and finally decided to go to sleep. 


The dream started as a wonderful one. Me and Liam was together. We were in the park in our town. Looking at all of the people walking around. Dogs chasing balls and catching frisbess. This was a great scene to watch, I'd do it all day. Liam was so adorable today, with his plaid shirt and nice pants. I felt one with this. 

The scene quickly changed. It wasn't me and Liam. It was me by myself and Liam was in the distance with Monica. It upset me a lot.

They looked so happy with one another. I just was me. I was all alone. In my own dream, I was alone. Not even Louis was there. My mind made my worse dream into a reality. I just don't want to be alone.


I shot out of my bed so fast I hit Hannah square in the nose. I'm surprised that she was still asleep. If it was me, ohhhh, you would get it when I wake up. It seemed to be late morning by the way the sun was hitting in my room. I grabbed my phone to see that it was 12 noon. Man, we slept that late? That's pretty crazy. 

Why did I have that dream? I'm not alone. Why would my mind think of that nonsense? I hope it was just me being upset with the fact that Liam isn't mine, but I do have Louis. Why did I have a dream of being with Liam then he left? Well, I can tell you that has happened. But he hasn't left me. He just can't be with me because he let Louis ask me that. I just don't understand the dream I had. Man, I'm getting a headache already. 

I went into the kicthen to get some breakfest if we had any. I seen my mum in the kicthen.

"Hey hon. You finally awake?" She asked me as she finished breakfest.

"Yes, I believe that I am." I said back to her. "I had the weirdest dream last night"

"You did? What about?" I explained to her what my dream was about. She listened to every part of the dream.

"Now hon it seems that you upset about Liam." She said.

"Maybe, I am. His girlfriend is really getting under my skin." She gave me a look of what?

"His girlfriend? He has a girlfriend.?" She asked me. Oh, she doesn't know. Well crap now I have to explain this too. Lucky me!

"Yeah he has a girlfriend now. Her name is Monica and she is pretty mean to me. She somehow got me and Hannah's number. It really was weird to me." I told her and she contiuned to fix her breakfest. How long does it take to make eggs?

"Oh no. Well, Maggie you need to not let her get to you because if you do it will make you go crazy." I laughed at what she said. Maybe, I'm going crazy. Maybe, I am. 

"Thanks mum. I'll be back. I got to see if Hannah is awake yet." I left my mom and went into my room. I seen Hannah and her nose was bleeding. Well crap, I really did hurt her. I guess I should wake her up, but nah, I'm hungry. I'll come back to her in a minute. 

"Well, she isn't awake." I told her. She got a plate out of the cupboard and put the food on the plate. 

"Well, she needs to get up." She said laughing.

"I know she does, but she is lazy." I said laughing. As I stared to eat, I heard Hannah scream. I guess she's awake now. She ran into the kicthen holding her nose. 

"My nose is bleeding! Help me!!!" She screamed at me.

"Hannah calm down. I acctidently whacked you in the nose when I woke up. I'll help you with your nose." She gave me a mad look. Well, I was sorry. I woke up real fast. I couldn't help it. 

"Maggie, you need to watch what you are doing." Han said as we walked to the bathroom.

"You know if you had the dream I had. You would do the same." 

"What dream?" She asked. Here we go again I have to explain a dream I don't want to.

"I had a dream that Liam left me for Monica and I was left alone. I was jolted awake from it and I hit you smack in the nose with my elbow." I explained.

"Now that explains it. That is one terrible dream." She told me. I already knew that. I needed to know what it meant and I need to know now.


Well, Hi guys!!!!!!!!! I'm back with this story. I'm sorry for the lack of updates on this story. I have been so busy with other stuff and it was hard to remember what I wanted to do with this story, but I finally rememebred.!!!!!!!

I'm glad ya'll are still reading this story thank you! Theres more to come I promise stay with me!!!!!

I love you guys!!!!! (:

I finally updated again. I'm so proud of myself!!!!! (:


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