Letter Four

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November 28th 2010

That's a first. I'm actually writing this letter the next day and well, guess what time it is? Three in the morning. This was pretty late even for me. The things I do for you Liam. I know you haven't had time to respond to my last letter so I can't really blame you. I shouldn't be up this late on a sunday morning. This has seriously messed up my sleeping pattern.

Liam, I know you must think I'm like obsessed right now because of how many letters I have sent you already, but I'm trying to get you to notice me.

I have been a wreck really over this.

I really want you to reply to these letters.

It has been such a sneak around to write you these, it really has.

My parents don't even know that I have even wrote any of these letters, I never told them.

Well, I just want to know if writing these letters are worth it. To me they are, but I just want to know for sure because I am starting to think otherwise and I'm getting annoyed with myself at the moment.

I'm sorry for being so bossy I am really.

I'm sorry I have to go now. I'm about to fall sleep as I write this so bye.

I love you,

Maggie :) xx


Another letter, I'm on the ball today :) For real :) I hope you like this one. Three more letters until Liam answers and as I told you before it will be very surpirsing :)

I love you guys :)

~Maggie Rae Payne~

Letters to Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now