The Love :)

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I was going to keep my promise to Liam so the next morning I was up bright and early. I couldn't seem to stop being so excited. I noticed that my mom was still in bed and I wanted to scream at her to get up, but all I did was walk into her room all quiet and shake her until her eyes finally opened.

"What is it, Maggie?" She said in a sleepy voice.

"Remember today is the live show. I have to be there." I told her almost screaming so she would stay awake and listen. I almost danced when it worked, but she had a face that could kill and that was not a good look on her. I almost wanted to appolgize, but before I could She started to talk.

"Do not yell at me Maggie. You will not go if you do that again. Do you understand what I am telling you?" She said in a stern tone.

"Yes mother." I got off of her bed and ran to room before I could get anything. I looked through the mail and saw a envelope for me. I screamed only a bit and mum wouldn't hear it. It was Liam. He sent me another letter.

Maggie, I would love for you to come. It will help me and the lads a lot to have you there. Your mom will have a great time. The song we are playing is a secret just want you to wonder haha 

Louis really likes you big time. I mean like he wishs to date you and Harry does also because I showed the lads your letters and they all loved them execpt them two showed more affection to them. I also like you and I hope you knew that and that if we meet today, I could make your dreams come true, but that's also a secret.

I am glad you are coming to your first show even if it's the semi finals. I hope to see you there.


Liam Payne and Louis Tomlinson(stop stealing my pen Louis!) He is at it again. He wants to talk to you.

Louis Tomlinson

Hi Maggie it's me Louis. You must think I am a complete jerk for steals your letters to him. I am terribly sorry. I just didn't want him to take you away from me. Yes, now that sounds stupid and everything, but I really like you and I want to meet you too.

I hope you enjoy yourself today because I know you will and everything :)

Love Louis Tomlinson(here's the pen back) 

Liam Payne

Sorry for that again he had to just tell you that. I usually don't let him do that. He was almost trlacking me to do it haha I have to go now Maggie

See you at the semifinals


Your Liam Payne(Louis's idea, I kinda like it) xx

Now that was funny Louis and Liam fighting over who should write and Harry liking me? I never thought that would happen. I need to show mum this.

"Mummmmm! Come here a minute!" I screamed so she could hear me.

"Be right there." She said as I heard her footsteps on the floor. 

"What is it hunny?" I showed her the letter and she read it with a smile on her face.

"Oh hunny you was right. They really want you to come. Let me get ready and we will go. Alright?" She said. I jumped up and down screaming and she hugged me. I walked into my room and got ready. 

This will be the best day of my life.

The next chapter will be her going to the semi finals and meeting One Direction!!! I love this story :) I really do and I notice you all do too :)

More to come my little Magelinas :)

~Maggie Rae Payne~(Red Kitten)

Letters to Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now